The Wave

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The torrid noonday sun was beating on the soft beige sand. The beach was interlaced with people shaded with pretty umbrellas. The azure blue waves crashed onto the surface. Evan ran into the sweet crisp waves holding his bright orange patterned surfboard. The waves seemed to be going much much higher than usual. But Evan didn't care, he embraced the opportunity to show people what he could do. He was paddling out to the tall thick waves, but there was a pull in the air and the fluffy white clouds turned into a dark mess of darkness. Evan looked into the dark rainy sky and started to paddle to the abandoned beach. As Evan was halfway to the dried out shore it started to thunder and rain heavily. Evan hurried his pace a little by this point. The he heard a loud alarm go off. He looked behind him to see a massive wave riding his tail. All of a sudden it collapsed on him like a wall collapsing on the ground. The huge wave pushed him deep into the sea he was dazed but swam back up with a frightened look on his pale face. He was now getting tossed around by lots of waves like rugbys players tossing a rugby ball. Then he saw the most biggest most terrifying wave he had ever seen. He tried with all his might to paddle to shore in time but it was no use the overpowering wave had pushed him deep, deep into the ocean. He lay in the bottom of the ocean unconscious. That wave carried on to the city taking out all of the people in its way and those who lived ran with their lives grasped in their hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2016 ⏰

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