Chapter 5

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We had been in the club for what felt like hours until everyone felt it was time to go around 2am. I was honestly exhausted, physically and mentally. Caspar had been playing with my head all night long. I ended up dancing with Georgia and mostly with Finn, but not Caspar who stuck with one girl the whole night though gave me looks until we had to go home. Caspar and I interacted momentarily a few times throughout the entire night. The only time he gave me attention was when Finn was with me, which was most of the night. By the end of the night, Finn and I were actual friends, especially after what he did when we needed to make out in front of everyone for the dare. I was glad to call Finn a friend. Izzy and Tom were also quite fun. They would tell me all these funny stories as they became less sober. The more drunk they became the funnier the stories became. Hardly any of them made any sense which made it funnier. I was glad to see that Alice and Georgia were mostly sobered up by the time we had to leave. They only had drinks when we played truth or dare, which was early on in the night. Caspar on the other hand was way too drunk to drive. Which was not good for me because he was my original ride, or I supposed he was. Georgia offered and almost insisted she drive me home, but Finn told me he could drop me off before heading home. I honestly like Finn a lot more than Georgia even though she had been nothing but friendly with me. The difference between them was that Georgia has my eye candy and Finn doesn't, which makes me seem a bit envious, but who cares? I didn't treat her badly...

"Caspar you can get your car tomorrow, I'll even drive you to come get it, but you are not driving home. You're drunk." Chuckled Finn to the pouting Caspar.

"Noo I feel fine. I caan drive." Caspar insisted as he slurred his words.

"No." Denied Alice.

"Can yoou drive me home? Alice annd I dont like each other." Caspar asked Finn as he slurred his words once more. Finn chuckled at the slurring Caspar and nodded as Alice rolled her eyes. Georgia says good bye to everyone with a hug and kiss on the cheek, even with Caspar.

"She's so hot." He said aloud as she walked over to her Audi A8. She laughed but kept on walking with out even saying thanks, despite the fact Caspar was drunk and wouldn't care if she had or not. So that's where he learned it from. How annoying. I followed Finn to the car. I found Jack asleep in the front seat so I sat in the back with Caspar. Jacks snoring was very loud and disturbing, resembling an old mans snore.

"Shut up Jack. Jesus..." Groaned Caspar at the sleeping twin in the passenger seat. His chair was leaned back all the way so I had to sit in the middle, with Caspar right next to me. I looked down at my phone and noticed the lack of messages from my mother I was expecting to see. I silently congratulated myself for a successful sneak out.

"Kylee, do you remember your address?" Asked Finn. I give him my address and he typed it into his GPS. We pull out of the parking lot and follow the directions to my house. I could feel Caspar's eyes staring at me but I decided not to look back. I tapped my fingers to the beat of the song that was playing faintly, on my leg and suddenly I felt Caspar's fingers intertwine with mine. I smiled at the gesture but still didn't look at him.

"You were really mean to me tonight but I forgive you." He whispered into my ear making me jump. His hot, alcoholic breath gave me goosebumps as his lips lingered, grazing the tip of my ear. I sat completely still waiting for him to say something else, disregarding his comment. "You shouldn't have kissed him, you should've kissed me." His lips stayed hovering over my ear. "Look at me... Say something to me..." He says as his lips skim my ear as they move, giving me goose bumps all over my body once more. I took a deep breath and turned to face him.

"Youre drunk, Caspar." I say forcing myself to pull my hand away from his and placing his back on his lap. It suddenly became cold with his hand engulfing mine. I hoped he would take my hand again so I could feel his warmth.

"I know." He says as he finds my hand again to play with my fingers. "Just not as drunk as you think I am." He grinned, not slurring his words at all. His fingers were playful with mine and this gave me butterflies and made me all warm inside. Finn looked back at us through his rear view mirror and I could see the playful smile in his eyes so I smile back, knowing exactly what he meant.

If anyone was mean tonight, it was Caspar. He glared at me and teased me whenever we interacted, which was limited due to Georgia and her gorgeousness.

My heart dropped a little at the fact that he lied to me about Georgia. I remember earlier tonight talking about his favorite song by The 1975 and how he mentioned Georgia and called her friend. Not girlfriend. Before tonight I had never even heard the name, despite the fact I've only known Caspar and the rest of them for a couple days with the exception of Alice who I met today.

We arrive at my house and I thank Finn for everything.

"Anytime Kylee, I've got your back." He smiled, showing a faint dimple. Caspar had gotten out to let me out.

"Well goodnight, Kylee." Caspar grinned. He opened his arms wide and I hugged him quickly goodbye and walked into my house, mindful that my mom could still be sleeping on the couch. I looked back and waved to the boys as they drove off. I closed and locked my door silently and was grateful my mother had eventually moved to her room. I walked up stairs and opened my door to my room. I stripped out of my clubbing clothes and into my cat pajama pants and tank top. As I walked into my bathroom to remove my make up my phone buzzed a couple times. After I rid my face of the makeup, I walk over to my bed where I would find my phone. I had received a text from Caspar and one from Alice.

"Hey did you get home safe?" Asked Alice. I replied quickly to Alice and checked my text from Caspar.

"Hey. Go out with me next Wednesday? ;)" read the text from Caspar.

"Caspar, you're drunk. You have a very pretty girlfriend" I sent back. I opened my book to where I left off earlier today and waited for Caspar to reply, but he never did. My eyes began to feel heavy and I looked at the time on my phone; 3:09am. I closed my book and shut off the little lamp on my night stand. I quickly fell asleep with the thought of Caspar in the back of my mind.

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