Part 18: What An Evil World we Live In

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Roxy's P.O.V

I twirl Jades hair around my finger as she lies with her head in my lap, I love her so much. She starts to wake up and I say "good morning sunshine" she rubs her eyes and says "what time is it?" I smile and say "12:00" her eyes widen and she sits up she then says "oh shit we have to go to school" I laugh and pull her down "relax babe it's Saturday" she laughs and says "oh" I smile, my phone buzzes and I look at it and open up the message

From: Samantha😝
Hey!!! I was wondering if you wanted to come over to visit me at my aunts place? It's not to far and I think you will like it we can watch movies maybe?


Sure !! That be great see you in a few!

"Who is that?" Jade questions, I smile and say "it's Samantha she wants me to go over to her aunts place in a bit" Jade smiles and says "yah you should go" I give her a hug and say "yah, come on I don't have to meet her till later so let's go get breakfast" she smiles and says "yah lets go" we then get changed with Jade borrowing one of my tees and a pair of jeans I leave a note for my mom's telling them that we are going out, and we head into the city.

In the heart of Gotham at a Diner

Sahara's P.O.V

I grab Sasha's hand across the table and say "so are we a thing because this is like the third time we have gone out together, and because yesterday you kissed me and we had a moment" Sasha giggles and says "I mean I thought that we were you know together unless you don't want that" I smile and lean across the table, I give her a kiss and say "I would love to be your girlfriend" Sasha smiles and say's "good i'm glad" we continue to chat and eat when I see out of the corner of my eye Jade and Roxy walk in, ugh okay I get Jades outburst the other day but come on attacking mine and Sasha's relationship is plain mean. "Sasha look" I say gesturing to the door, she sees Roxy and Jade,and says "don't worry about them darling,we have to learn how to co-exsist with them especially after everything I have done to them" I smile and squeeze her hand "yah your right".

Jades P.O.V

After ordering our food we find a table and sit down, "this is nice" I say, Roxy smiles and says "yah it is I really like it here plus my mom's told me that they used to come here all the time before I came along" I smile and say "that's really great". After we finish our food we walk out of the Diner,as we walk out I feel someone tap my shoulder, I turn around and see Sahara and Sasha "hey, guys" I say Sahara smiles and says "I just wanted to clear the air, and make sure that you know that um I feel for you both I do and I don't want to sound like I am attacking you but regarding what you, Jade said to my girlfriend about our relationship um I am sticking with her not just because we are in a relationship but because I appreciate her sincerity and her amazing soul that had the courage to do what she did, that is why I stick with her" I nod and say "your right what I said was not cool, attacking your relationship was a really shitty move on my part, I had a lot of suppressed feelings about Sasha and to be honest I still don't really like her but I do appreciate her apology" Sahara smiles weakly and says "thank you" I then look at Sasha who nods, Roxy then links arms with me and we leave.

Samantha's P.O.V

I pace in my room and run my hands through my hair, I feel like shit I actually like Roxy she is pretty cool and who knows what the hell Candy and her ugly ass boyfriend are gonna do to her, I sit on my bed and sigh. After maybe 20 mins my phone buzzes, I look down at my phone and I see a message from Roxy😄

From: Roxy😄

Hey!! Can I come over now?

I sigh and type in my answer


Yah sure!! The address is 224 Gotham Park it is an apartment and the floor is 8 and the buzzer is 5091


Great!! See you soon girl! ❤❤

I throw my phone on my bed and lie down, I should probably go over to Candy's place know, God i'm such a terrible person. I grab my jacket and slip on my boots, I then head to the door I go to grab the door handle when Kyle walks up to me and says "were you going sweet heart" I roll my eyes and say "I am going to see my aunt, mom already knows" he smirks and moves closer to me "your so beautiful you know" he says I roll my eyes and reach for the door, he grabs my wrist and says "come on sweetheart i'm just playing" "let go of me" I yell he yanks me back and shoves me against the door holding my arm above my head "now is that any way to talk to your soon to be step dad" he squeezes my arm tighter and I yelp in pain, "let go of me" I say as tears threaten to spill from my eyes,he lets go and backs up "have fun at your aunts cupcake" he says with a smirk on his face,I open the door and slam it hard behind me, I feel bad for Roxy and I feel shitty for doing this to her but I need to go to my Dad's I can't spend another minute with my mother and that asshole. I walk out the door and hope on the bus, I sit down and put my headphones in, I need to do this I have no choice... Fuck.

Jades P.O.V

I smile at Roxy and say "are you going over to see Samantha now?" she smiles and throws her coat on "yah we are just gonna hang for a bit and maybe watch a movie" I smile and say "okay will I see you later?" she moves closer to me and say's "probably not my mom's said they wanted to spend quality time with me later but I will see you tomorrow" I smile and pull her in for a kiss, "I love you" I say she smiles and says "I love you to but I really have to go" I giggle and say "okay go go have fun" she smiles and walks out the door, I smile and put my headphones in today was great and nothing could change that.

Roxy's P.O.V

I jump on the bus with my headphones on and send a text to Samantha

To: Samantha😝

Omw make sure to let me in when I get there ! 😘

From: Samantha😝

Okok don't worry I will see you soon!!

I smile and get off the bus, I then walk to the address that Samantha gave me. The building is actually really nice, I walk in and punch the buzzer in "hello who is this?" a voice say's i'm guessing Samantha's Aunt "um hi i'm Roxy i'm a friends of Samantha" I say "oh yah come on in" she says, the door opens and I walk into the building.

Candy's P.O.V

"She's coming" I say, Troy smiles and says "perfect, well done Samantha" Samantha rolls her eyes and says "bite me" he smirks and says "I am just going to ignore that" she scoffs and puts her ear buds in, I walk over to Samantha and sit beside her "thank you" I say,she takes her ear buds out and say's "the only reason I did this for you and your psycho boyfriend is because I can't live with my mom anymore" I smile and say "well thanks anyways" she glares at me and says "just keep up your end of the deal" she then puts her headphones back in, I sigh and walk towards Troy, I feel bad for the kid but i'm doing this for love, I love Troy and I know he loves me "ready for this?" I question, he smiles and says "yah lets get the bitch"

Roxy's P.O.V

I arrive at Samantha's door and I knock, right away someone eagerly opens the door "hi you must be Roxy" she says with a big smile on her face, I smile and say "uh yah i'm Roxy you must be Samantha's aunt" she shakes my hand and say's well come on in. I walk in and see Suitcase's all over the floor with tons of stuff inside them, I notice Samantha sitting on the couch with her headphones in, I smile and sit beside her "hey" I say, she smiles weakly and says "hey" I look around and say "so what you want to do?" she looks down and says "I am so sorry,I need you to know that it's nothing personal" I frown and say "wait what?" all of a sudden someone puts what I think is a bag over my head, I scream and start to kick and scream someone grabs my arms and put's them behind my back and pulls me down from the couch, I hit my head on the floor and black out.

I'm backkkkk!! I hope you liked it !
Please vote and comment if you want. So sorry it took so long,it took me forever to write this chapter lol

Question: what do you think about Samantha? And what do you think is going to happen to Roxy?

Love you guys kisses ! 😘😘

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