Chapter: Three Perrie

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I sighed as I saw the Music Room where the Host Club was located at. I used to not like my brothers being in the Host Club ,but it made them happy and more social so I didn't say anything to anyone. I also like to stay in there ,because Mori and Honey was in it and they are like my best friends right now ,well except for Jessie, the new girl Jayden and Hana. I walked in there and saw Hana talking to Jayden and Jessie with my brothers. I looked around and didn't see Mori or Honey yet 'Huh I guess their late,'I thought. I wounder where Haruhi was I knew she was appointed to being an official Host Club member. I looked around and saw her talking to some girls. I can't believe she's doing this I surely wouldn't I just don't like flirting that doesn't mean anything ,that's why i slapped Tamaki away when I first entered in here looking for my brother. It was kinda funny when it happened.

*Flashback in Italics*

'Where are my brothers,' I thought 'They said the will be in a music room but I forgot what room number.,' I walked into Music Room #3. "Hello is anyone in here," I asked. "Oh hello my dear you seem like your looking for something," a weird boy with blonde hair asked me. I could tell my eyes widened from shock. 'What do I say to this guy,' "I'm here looking for my brothers," I said. "Oh really who are your brothers," the guy asked. "Um Heikaru and Kaoru ," I said. "They left something in their last classroom they will be back shortly. My name is Tamaki whats yours," Tamaki said. "Um Perrie ," I said nervously. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me close. I put my arms out to push me back ,"What are you doing," I asked. "Isn't this what you really came in here for," Tamaki asked. "NO I just came to see my brothers I swear," I said. "Oh don't lie to m-," Tamaki was cut off my brothers. "Boss what are you doing with our sister," my brothers asked. Tamaki looked down at me and started blushing. "Oh so you weren't li-," I cut him off to slap him. "Don't ever touch me again," I said.

*End of Flashback* 

I don't like people touching me it's just a thing I have ,so that's why I slapped him in the first place. Finally Mori and Honey showed up and I walked to them and started a conversation with them. Sadly they had customers so I left them to talk to Jessie who asked about a prank to do on Tamaki. As she put the bug into the tea pot and told my brothers about it they started smiling and covering their mouths so they don't let their laughter out.

After Jessie's little prank,which wasn't funny to me, a bunch of girls was yelling at us . I mean she's the one that did the prank why yell at me I had nothing to do this. I ignored the girls and left to go talk to Honey and Mori. As I walked over to them I heard a crash and then water being poured on something....or someone. I turned around and saw Haruhi and the slut ,that likes to stay with Tamaki, on the floor. "What happened ,"I asked "Haruhi tried to assaulted me,"the slut said. "No Haruhi is not that type of man to do this," Tamaki. 'Ha ha type of 'man',' I thought. After they gave Haruhi the dry uniform I walked over to my brothers. I am so far the only person ,except Jessie, who can tell them apart with their hats on. After Tamaki FINALLY found out Hiruhi was a girl his reaction was priceless.

"I can't believe it took you that long to find out," Heikaru, Kaoru ,and I said together. We looked at each other and laughed I sometimes do that with my brothers. "Is this the being of love," Kyouya said.

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