I Want to be POPULAR !

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                This story focuses on Arianne, a 1st year high school student who promises to be one of the POPULAR kids in their school for the thought that POPular ones never gets LONELY, ABANDONED and PICKED. But with her TIMID, NEGA-THINKER, NO SELFCONFIDENCE character how will she achieve this goal? Does she really need to be a POP in order to have someone who’s always around whenever she needs one?


I am a type of girl who's always at the corner, waiting for attention, waiting for appreciation. During my elementary years, i have people around me so called FRIENDs, but for some reason i still feel loneliness within me. So I promised when i get to Highschool, I’ll do my best to not feel loneliness again , I’ll be one of those POP who always have people around, laughing, teasing each other. I want to feel how it is like to have REAL FRIENDS…

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