* This section will be subjected to edits throughout the duration of this story. With the editing happening when ever an error is pointed out or found, or if the story calls for there to be a change.
Eons ago, before all the vastness of space and everything in it was formed, there only existed one sentient being and place. It was never known how this being was wrought into existence or what had created it. This being had a slender frame that donned no imperfections, and had gentle features that could show any expression this being had vividly. The being had long, sleek, brown hair, that fell past the shoulders. Not even the occasional breeze could diminished the beauty of it, as it would dance in the wind.
This being knew only these thoughts, from the various reflections it would have when aimlessly walking around, and had begun to wonder. At first its curiousity started out small. Though as time (before it was concieved by the being) wore on, this curiousity grew and grew. Soon plauging this being with a series of thoughts that seem to have no answer.
During this time of pondering, this being wondered around the limited place that it lived in. For the beginning of the beings existence up until the prelude of the "great creations", this place bore no vegetation and no erected landscapes. It was just a piece of flat land that existed in a small sphere that was no more than a few miles big in any one direction. Nothing resided outside the sphere, nor did nothing reside in the sphere. All that existed in the sphere, other than the being and its place of living, where bounds of white fluff that seem to support the land mass and the water that came from, and returned to, the pieces of fluff that floated above the land and the luminescent force that either brought light or darkness.
The cycle of light and darkness through out the centuries, bore no effect to the being as it sorted out its varying questions. Though during one cycle of light and ad-mist the heavy downpour of rain, clarity came to the being. The being laughed as the rain fell around him, and flowed across the land and under the soles of its feet. All of the questions it had, were answered in that moment. The names of things he had not known, how he came to be, his purpose, and his name.
Staring up to the slightly darken clouds, the being whispered its name in a melodic way. "I am Yahweh."
With this knowledge, came the spark of creativity and creation. The thousands of the thoughts that had raced through the beings head had shifted from being just mental images to a perception of its own reality. They were real, in every sense of the word, just as much as the being was. They were capable of movement that was unique to their individual shapes and sizes. Some flew among the clouds, others curiously traversed the ground they were set upon. The rest tried to find shelter from the rain, though to no avail.
Yahweh curiously gazed upon his creations, as wonderment had filled him. For centuries this being had walked alone in this world of his, but ad-mist this rain its world had been filled with other creatures. It had a faint idea of how this had happened. Once enlightenment had came to it, the innate power it had possessed came forth.
This had started period of experimental testing. At first Yahweh started small, trying to replicate the creatures that he already wrought to life. Being able to clearly see the creature, allowed him to have a good mental image of it, making it easier to bring an exact copy of the creature to life. Though when it came fabricating newer creatures, the being found that he couldn't force it out into reality. Thinking that some rest would do some help to this problem, the being sat down and watched all the creatures frolic about. Then, as if by pure chance, one of the smaller creations Yahweh had made (one that would later be named a Squirrel) ran up to the being. Grazing its hand in the process. Feeling the soft fur pass over his hand, made the being think about how each of the it's senses were affected by the creature. Then the thought transferred to how the senses would be affected by the newer creature.
That shift in thought had painted a much more clearer, and stronger, image of this newer creature. With this, it thought that the creation of this new creature would go uninhibited. So in hope, Yahweh stretched out its hands and with closed eyes visualized the new creature resting upon its palms. The being saw the creature as a small four legged creature with a sleek emerald colour body. Noting the feeling of warmth from the creature's scales as they brushed up against the being's fingertips when it would breathed. The unique sounds it made when it stretched and flapped its small wing. The shift of its moved about. Each small movement that the creature made, became more and more real as it phased into reality. Yahweh set the creature down on the ground and simply smiled.
This lead to the era of the "great creations." Expanding over some several hundred centuries, Yahweh had created numerous constructs (such as the "sands of time"), creatures (such as the Griffons). Slowly turning the nothing that resided outside the sphere into small capsules that held the many creations. Then as a mark of the ending of the era, Yahweh fashioned eight beings. Each in a way that resembled the being itself, but different none the less. These eight beings were also given wings to show superiority to all those created before them. With wings in tow, they were gifted with various traits from previous creations. Most notable was their strength, for though they all had thin body types they were far stronger than any of the creations before them. Though they did lack one thing. The varying degrees of emotion that Yahweh and all the other creations were capable of having.
The reason was simple. They were meant to be overseer's. Watching over the capsules that held the numerous creations before them and to watch over the final two creations. The "Big Bang" and "The Doors."
The "Big Bang" would expand the realm of being and then would be fragmented into smaller realms of existence that contained varying amounts of galaxies with in them. With the sands of time flowing differently for each one.
Once the being had the initial steps thought out, the plan was set into action. The "Big Bang" would begin small. With one big universe, that over time would break down into smaller -verses. Creating a series of muilt-verses. Then with in each multi-verse a domino effect would occur. Where debris, that was carrying different forms of micro-organisms, in each universe would collide with other debris and form multiple planets over the course of a few hundreds of millions of years. All the while the micro-organisms that were created, evolved to adapt to any and all environmental changes that would occur.
During this time of self creation and evolution, Yahweh would enter a state of slumber. Building up the necessary energy for "The Doors" project. This project was simple. Each planet was to be connect to one another, or to the "Nexus," regardless of where or what universe the planet resided in. The "Nexus" was to be the fixed point. One that resided everywhere and nowhere. This point would act like a mini hub, capable of sustaining life.
Fast forward, long after the execution of "The Doors" project, past the rebellion and downfall of Lucifer. All the way to a planet called Earth. Not Earth X-01 or Earth Z. Just Earth. To a time where man kind has dwindled to near extinction.
The Sinners: Destruction
Science FictionThis story is one I had brewing in my head for a while. A while ago I started writing the prolog of it and later changed it due to my thoughts on it changing. When writing this, I'll probably go back and edit some parts. As the title goes, this will...