You're coming home with me

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This is a request I received from an anon :)

Request:" Can you do an imagine where Harry is kinda like a punk/dark Harry and he meets the reader at the club or something and does a thing where it's like "you're mine" sorta thing and they have sex?"

You're Coming Home With Me

The flashing lights in the club matched the loud bass created by the DJ. The air had a mixed smell to it. Alcohol, sweat, and cigarette smoke. There were couples left and right violently and lustfully grinding their hips into each other like there was no tomorrow.

Why the hell was I even here?

This isn't my usual hangout. These aren't the people I hang out with. This was so far out of my comfort zone.

Maybe I just needed more alcohol.

I walked up to the bar and found my 'best friend' that had dragged me here. Her promises of 'meeting Mr. Right' got me into this short ass cocktail dress and out of my apartment.

"There you are (Y/n)! Are you having fun yet?" Jessica said as I took a seat next to her at the crowded bar. She was talking to some random guy, flirting like a traditional valley girl; twirling the ends of her hair around her finger as she seductively took sips from her neon colored straw. The guy was digging it, I just sat there like the awkward nerd that sits in the back of the class and doesn't say anything.

"No. Can we leave yet?" I asked slightly annoyed with the whole situation.

"No! Not until we find you a man!"

"I highly doubt there is anyone here who is my type, Jessica."

"That's the point! We aren't leaving until we find you someone who isn't like the sensitive bookworms you usually go after."

"Well, then I guess I better get another drink."

"That's my girl!"

I ordered my third drink of the night from the bar tender and quickly gulped it down. The drink was much stronger then I expected and it caused my face to scrunch up for a second.

I felt the effects of the alcohol start to kick in just a little. I didn't drink very often so it didn't take much for me to feel it.

Jessica gave her number to the random guy at the bar, then pulled me away to one of the open booths on the other side of the club. We began scoping out the random singles that lurked around the dance floor, looking for 'Mr. Right.' Jessica and I would take turns pointing people out, then deciding that he wasn't what we were looking for. I gravitated toward my usual "bookworm" looking type while Jessica was determined to find me someone who was the exact opposite. After about 20 minutes of not finding any suitable candidates, Jessica decided she needed a brake.

"I'm gonna run to the bathroom, you stay here and keep looking." She said over the loud music as she walked off into the crowd towards the bathrooms.

I was left all alone in the booth as I scanned the crowd.

I watched as a tall, muscular man with his black hair gelled back with so much product it was shiny walked toward my booth with two drinks in his hand. His massive arms strenched against the sleeves of his bright yellow Ed Hardy t-shirt (He honestly needed a bigger size to fit his muscular structure) and you could see the thick white stitching on his name brand jeans form a mile away. Who the hell was this tool?

'Please god, no no no.' I thought to myself as I avoided eye contact.

"What's cookin' good lookin'?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2014 ⏰

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