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Peace, something everyone in Altria wants. Ever since the dreaded Umbra Kingdom declared war on the other Kingdoms in the land peace seems like a distant memory, a dream almost. For me peace was living with my family on nice sunny days. My father educating me on the country's history, my mother telling me stories and adventures, my sister playing with me all the time. Those were the good old days but like they say, all good things must come to an end. As my sister Merida grew older she became stronger and stronger until she was feared by most of the knights. I admired her for even though she was a princess she still was strong enough to take down a full grown man. Me however, I was your typical everyday princess struggling with the responsibility of taking over the Lumalia Kingdom. I wish I cherished those moments because they were nothing compared to the dread I would soon face.

A large horse trotted along a path through a forest, the rain assaulted the top of the carriage like bullets. The man wiped the horse thus accelerating the speed of the animal. I looked out the window and watched the rain drain down boredly. A hand slapped the back of my head surprising me.

" Why such a gloomy expression kiddo?". Merida looked at me with a large grin on her face. I only looked back outside again. " Huh, I know what you're thinking, all this princessy stuff isn't for you right?". She knew me so well it was almost scary. " I hear you kid, to be completely honest with you I'm not interested in it myself either".

" Come on you two don't talk like that" my mother scolded as she sat in the seat facing us. She was a kind woman but recently she seemed to be a bit more on edge.

" Relax mother, were just expressing our equal hate of becoming princesses"

" I know but seriously girls how long are you going to keep up the " I don't want to be a princess" routine?"

" Merida?" I said softly.

" Yeah?"

" Do you think that I can become a strong warrior like you?"

" Aw Crystal, of course you can-"

" Merida!"

" What?! She wants to know"

" Well can I?"

" Sweetie listen to your mother, as future queen of the Lumalia Kingdom you have no time to be a warrior"

" But-"

" Right now the only thing you should be focusing on is your Queen Training". I groaned at the information which made Merida laugh.

" What's so funny" I asked grimly.

" Nothing Little sis, it's just that you looks so cute when you're mad". Curse my cuteness, another factor that contributed in me not becoming a warrior. " But you know Crystal nothing say you can't become a warrior after you become Queen" she whispered in my ear.

" Your right, when I become Queen I get to make my own rules"

" Exactly"

" What are you girls talking about?"

" Oh nothing" Merida responded as me and her tried to hold back our laughter. The carriage stopped making us jerk forward fastly.

" What the heck? You ok little sis?"

" Yeah i'm fine but why did we stop?"

" I'll find out, Jefferey why did we-" my mother stopped speaking as she looked out the window. Merida joined her and her facial expression had fear plastered all over it.

" What's wrong with the two of you?". The carriage door opened and a man wearing black armor and a silver sword in his left hand. " Sorry for the intrusion you royal majesties". My mother looked at him in fear as my sister shot a rageful expression at the man. I did not know what was going on but I knew that this guy was bad trouble. He urged us out of the cart forcefully and pushed us in the middle of a circle of other men wearing identical armor.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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