Mistletoe: Fluff/Realization

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Song: I Walk The Line- HALSEY

                Damian walked down the steps quickly, shoving his hands in his pockets before looking around the room. Everyone was here, JLA, Young Justice, even the Teen Titans. He sighed inwardly and slipped into the shadows without being seen by any of the guests. He observed silently, eyes flickering over some of the people when he felt his phone vibrate. He brought it out, furrowing his brows at the text message.


     He huffed and typed back, then turned his phone off and headed into the direction Jason told him to go. Weaving through the people he had no interest in, he finally found Jason and Zatana talking about something while standing under the doorway that led into the  living room. He raised an eyebrow and walked over to him, crossing his arms and looking at the older man.

"What do you want, Todd?"

         Jason sighed in relief and caught his arm, saying his farewells to Zatana before dragging Damian into an empty room that branched off into some hallway. After they were a ways from the crowd, Jason let go of Damian's arm and let out a breath. Damian stood there expectantly, tapping his foot before putting his hands to his sides.

"What. Do. You. Need."

       Jason spun around, grinning,"I just wanted to get out of the conversation with her, considering it was about sex with Dick head." Damian nodded thoughtfully, "And you needed me for..." The older man shrugged, "I know you hate these things too, just trying to help." Damian softened his glare, "Thank you, I suppose..."

         After 15 minuets of complete silence, they awkwardly left the room together and headed back to the crowd they so desperately wanted to leave. The pair walked side by side into the room, only to here snickers from the people standing by. Damian nudged Jason, and when that didn't stop his attention he nudged him twice, then he finally stomped on the older mans foot. Jason yelped, head snapping to Damian before he shouted, "What?!" Damian sighed and looked up, then clicked his tongue and casted his gaze back to Jason. Jason followed his gaze, and there hung mistletoe. The snickers became full on laughter, and immediately he knew who it was. He sighed, "Oh for the love of God, Grayson."

      Dick and Wally were holding onto each other, snorting and nearly passing out from laughing too hard.

            Zatana walked over and smirked, saying something in backwards and all of the sudden neither of them could move. By now they had attracted a crowd, most of the girls whispering and squealing over something Jason couldn't understand. Megan giggled, covering her mouth with her hand and shouting over the crowd.
"You can't leave until you kiss!"
Jason rolled his eyes, "I guess we're not le- hmph!" Before he knew what was happening, Damian had spun around and planted his lips upon Jason's.

          The girls squealed in delight, and a few camera flashes were heard but otherwise; Jason couldn't here a thing over his own heartbeat. It rapped against his chest wildly, and eventually he realized that he was in fact kissing Damian Wayne. Sparks were traveling between them, and soon enough he adjusted the kiss; tilting Damian's head and slipping his arms around the assassin's waist. Damian's left hand was placed on Jason's scarred cheek, the other playing with the older man's hair. 

         They let each other go, a dark blush on their faces and their breaths heavy with ecstasy as they stared into each others eyes.

            Dick's jaw was hanging on its hinges, his eyes wide but lips stretched in an awed smile. Wally grinned, "It's about damn time."  walked over to Jason afterward, then patted his shoulder before heading to the kitchen.

           Jason was oblivious to all else but Damian, only now did he see how truly beautiful he was. Perfect tan skin, eyes like emeralds, silky-soft jet black hair, and amazing kissing skills. Damian grinned, genuinely grinned, and kissed Jason once more before pulling back.

     "Merry Christmas, Jason."

           Jason smiled kissing the assassins forehead, "Merry Christmas, Dami."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2016 ⏰

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