CHAPTER 2 - Act One Scene Two

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No, you've got it all wrong.
We flee
because we want to live.

- Tezuka Osamu, Grand Dolls


The sighs of the wind grew louder. High-pitched and somewhat plaintive, it whistled through the ruins. The man awoke to hear the sound of the wind around him. He hadn't lost much of his composure. Bound and sitting on the floor, he let his gaze roam around the room.

"What's going on?" He questioned hoarsely. No one answered. "What's going on, Rikiga? You understand what you're doing, don't you?"

"Unfortunately, I do." Rikiga gave a sigh, one of several he had already heaved that day. "I understand it so well, it makes me sick to the stomach. I never asked for this, anyway."

"Let me go." The man twisted in his bonds. But he realized that the more he struggled, the more the ropes dug into his body, and he soon quieted down. He let his gaze wander about again, and cleared his throat. He remained unruffled.

"What are you after?" he said calmly. "Money? Surely you don't think you'll be let off easily for doing something like this?"

"Our point is not to be let off at all." Nezumi knelt down in front of the man. The man widened his eyes in surprise, and murmured appreciatively.

"You're a beauty." A smile spread across the man's face. "Rikiga, this one's a much finer gem."

"If it pleases you to have me," Nezumi said, hooking a leather-gloved finger on the man's chin, "then you can have me to your heart's content. But it'll be expensive. Five gold coins isn't nearly gonna cut it."

"Hmph," the man sneered. "So it is money you're after. How much do you want?"

"I don't want money."

The contemptuous smile vanished from the man's face. He tried to draw his chin back, but Nezumi's fingers held fast and didn't let him.

"If it's not money―then what?"



"Information," Nezumi repeated. "I'm going to have you spit out every piece of information you have, right here."

"What preposterous―"

"And after that, I'll give you plenty of my company. I think it's a good deal, don't you?"

"Don't make me laugh," the man retorted. "Mere West Block residents, having the audacity to ask for information? And what will filth like you do with information about the Holy City, hm? What use would it be to you? You ought to go back to crawling around in the dirt where you belong."

There was a slap. Nezumi's right hand had struck a fierce blow across the man's cheek. The man fell to the floor on his side. Nezumi yanked him upright by his hair, and sharply slapped the other cheek. Once more. Twice. The man never so much as raised a groan, and only crumpled to the floor each time.

Shion stood frozen and staring with his breath caught in his throat. Lit in the glow of the candle, Nezumi's profile had no expression. Blank-faced, as if wearing a mask, he continued to abuse the man.

"Nezumi―" His body shook.

Please. No more. Stop―

As Shion took a step forward, a tan arm barred him.


"Shut up and watch, little boy," Inukashi hissed quietly, licking his lips with the tip of his tongue. "The fun's just getting started. Don't get in the way."

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