Chapter 8

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Anastasia's P.O.V

"Ellie do you think it's right what i did?" i asked her as we both sat on my bed looking through magazines

She put her magazine down and looked at me with those emerald eyes of hers. "Look Annie you haven't been out in the real world as long as me and Danny have and if he says that Hunter is a bad person then you should believe him, plus Danny has done everything he can to make you happy and make you love him so i don't see what's so bad about being with him if he's wonderful."

"I know but even though i've ignored him for months and not talked to him i can't help but love him and just run up to him and hug him and kiss him showing him that i never stopped loving him no matter what, but i know you're right so i should just forget him and move on with the one i really deserve which is Danny." and just then i heard a knock on my window and when i looked out i saw it was him and i wanted to let him in so badly.

"Let him in and talk to him but promise you won't do anything stupid." she said as she got up and walked out of my room

i walked over and opened up the window to let him in. I saw that he hadn't gotten up here with a ladder but with his wings and i had never seen wings like his but they were so beautiful they were black but with gold specs on them and i wanted to feel them and i noticed him watching me as i stared at them "What are you doing here and you shouldn't have your wings out in the light of day."

"Well first can i come in?" he asked

"Yes you can." i moved over and let him come in and i noticed how powerful and handsome he looked and i tried so hard to not get close to him and run my finger over his wings and chest and arms.

"Well Annie first i want you to forgive me i didn't want to hurt you, well at first i did but then i started falling in love with you and now i just want you i want to be with you for eternity and second of all you should know that we can choose who we want to see us when we're flying." he said with a smirk on his face but when i looked into his eyes who looked so sincere i could tell no i knew this wasn't a lie that he really was sorry and i couldn't help but say something i knew i shouldn't say but  i did.

"I love you too and i want to spend eternity with you and of course i forgive you." I said as i ran up to him a gave him a kiss filled with love and passion all the kisses i had wanted to give him were put into this kiss and i felt him wrap his arms around me and kiss me back with as much love and passion as i had for him or maybe even more and once again i got those butterflies in my tummy and my heart skipped a beat but  i also felt him push me towards the bed and lay me down and i knew what he wanted more but i couldn't give it to him at least not yet so i pushed him away.

"I'm so sorry i didn't mean to scare you i just missed you so much and i just got so excited when i heard you say that you forgive me, and once i felt you kiss me one more time well i just couldn't help myself but i promise it will never happen again." He said as he got up and helped me up

"I know but first we have to go to my father and tell him all of this so he knows that you want to turn to our side and then we'll talk about what will happen between us. But I promise that i will do everything i can to make sure my father forgives you and approves of us being together." i said as i kissed his cheek softly

"Annie you know that our love is forbidden and i'm sure our parents will do everything they can to keep us apart. You're his favorite daughter and i'm his favorite son and no matter how much we love each other they will never put their differences aside and let us be together. Either you become dark or I become light but i'm sure my father won't let me go without hurting you." he said as he held my hands and looked into my eyes with those brown eyes of his

"I know but we can at least see each other even if it's just in secret, but i don't ever want to be separated from you i love you too much to be apart from you any longer and i'd rather die then spend eternity without you."

"I know but i promise they won't separate us no matter what, Even if my father shuns me i'll never leave your side cause i love you so much i don't know how i was able to stay away from you so long." he said as he kissed my hands

"Ok i believe you but you must get going now before Ellie realizes that we are back together."

"I know so i'll see you tomorrow i'll send you a letter telling you where to meet me."

"Yes, tomorrow i'll be waiting for your letter." I said as i gently kissed his lips and just like that he climbed back out my window and when Ellie came back in i didn't tell her anything. I didn't;t lie to her but i also didn't tell her the truth cause it was mine and his little secret.

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