Chapter 3

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"Chris! I'm leaving for school! Be in the car if you want a ride."

He looks up from the TV. I mean, really? Xbox and it's not even eight o'clock yet!

"Uhh.... I think Coles coming to give me a ride. Cya later loser" Wow, I love the appreciation he gives me.

Cole is Chris's best friend. He a skilled racer and is part of the Ryder group even though he's not techniacally related to us. He got involved in what we do when he found all of Z's gear and fixed up an old Camaro last year and then kinda stole it and took it for a joy ride. Most people would find something like that terrible but in our world he earned respect.

"Fine. I have to pick up Erica any-"

Chris quickly turns off his Xbox and looks up at me, panic in this brown eyes.

"Erica? Did i say Cole was picking me up? Sorry I meant he was doing that tomorrow... Meet you in the car!"

I so saw that coming.

                                                         -5 Minutes Later in front of Erica's House-

Honk, honk

"Hurry up Lopez.  Your gonna make me late!"  

I love how she always complains about me taking to long but then she herself takes 20 minutes to pick out an outfit to wear.

Finally!  Here comes Ms.Punctuality.

I met Erica when we were in Kindergarten but we never really talked until 2nd grade.  She was always there for me, friends have come and gone but she's always been there.  She takes no part in the Ryder world, it's much to 'violent' for her.  But I don't remember one important fight that she hasn't come to support me in or atleast call to say good luck.

Erica is about the same height as me, which is 5'6".  She has absolutly gorgeous blonde hair that goes all the way down to her waist and brown eyes and fair skin.  Overall she's very pretty.

She jumps into the front passenger seat, out of breath.  Oh, did I meantion that she's not very athletic?

"Sorry!  I was doing my hair, I have third period with Chris today and-"

Chris picks this time to make his apperance known "Say my name beautiful?"

Erica probobly jumps a mile high bumping her head on the roof of my car.

"CHRIS?! ohh....heey....i was go-going to ask if you knew what the home-homework was?'

"Sure you were beautiful.  But it was to finish your essay, stop slakin off.  Your making me look to good."  ahhh...the arrogant smirk of Chris Ryder.

Erica blushes thorugh about ten shades of red and I must say that it was absoluty hilarious!  That boy can make my calm cool friend turn into a fan girl in fifteen seconds flat! impressive.

"Stop the flirting guys, we gotta get to school incase you forgot.   I need an update from the rest to the guys before homeroom.  Rumor has it a new familys tryin to move in on our turf."



I'm tackled to the ground by about five teenaged boys.  Don't get the wrong idea now, they are all part of the Ryder Legacy, or as some people seem to be calling it now the mafia, even though we're not....oh well, who cares.

These guys aren't related to me either but I grew up with all of them, they are like my brothers and cousins.  Their parents were most likely extended Ryders like them.

A lot  of us actually go to this school, Mountain Veiw High.  Theres like twenty of us.  Right now pinning me to the ground were Charlie, Stevie, Daniel, Brandon and Jared.  All of them are 16 like me.

Charlie Barker, he is an absolute beast in the arena.  Standing at an intimidating 6'1" with hair like fire and eyes as cold as ice he has never had an opponent beat him...well except me of course.  But the splash of freckles across his face can make him look like a big softie if you get past all the muscle.

Then there's Stefano Cunnings, but NEVER call him that!  The consequences are to remain unknown to this just call him Stevie.  He's a fighter to and is a really short fuse if you mess with him.  Hes 6'2", muscular and has brown hair and green eyes.  Just like his mom is what Dad tells me.  Stevies parents are a reminder to us that our world is dangerous.

 Stevies Dad beat up one of the top street fighters in New York when him and his wife were taking a vacation in the city.  He had tried to mug them but little did he know they were Ryder extents.  So after Stevis Dad took care of the man his goons came out of the shadows and punched his to his death, giving him even less mercy when they found out he was with the Ryders.  Then they killed his mom for the fun of it.

This all happened when Stevie was very young, only about four years old so he dosen't remember them much.  He never knew the truth of what happened to his parents until he was about ten years old, when my dad thought he was old enough to handle it.  Ever since that day Stevie has been hard core to everyone but Ryders because he says we are the only ones he can fully trust.

So for a majority of his life Stevie has been living with Daniel and his family.  Daniel Stark is a racer and an incredibaly amazing one at that!  He can figure out how to navigate any terrain or find the shortest route anywhere.  He has green eyes and brown hair like Stevie, you could mistake them for brothers but Dan is much more gangly and not as muscular.  He's a big sweetheart and he always cracking a joke to make you laugh, even if your house just blew up....that only happened a few times though.

Last but not least, the Anderson twins.  Brandon and Jared.  They are identical twins, both of them pretty decent racers and they can throw a punch but they are more into the technicalities and the computer programming stuff.  Both of their parents are amazing mechanics, they trained Z.  Brandon and Jared both have Justin Bieber like blonde hair and the same perfect faces.  The only differance between them is that Brandon has blue eyes while Jareds are hazel.  They both always wanted a sister so one day the decided that I would play that role for them and now they spoil me rotten. I've gotten so many diamonds and designer purses that I lost count a long time ago!



Thanks for reading guys!  Please comment and tell me what you think, and if you have any ideas for the cast leave that to!  Who is this mysterious person yelling at the guys????

I'm looking for three votes and two comments for the next chappieee :)

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