Kendall finally arrived at the photo shoot all tired from the rush she made earlier that morning. She placed her bag, her torn jacket and the cup she was given bye the waitress on the table and made her way to the white The photo shoot began and Kendall was in her element. Before she could do anymore she jogged her way to her drink. She placed her soft gentle hands on the other side of her cup. She lifted the cup slowly up to her soft red lips and realised that there was a number on the cup underneath her name. She dropped her drink and thought about whose it was. Suddenly it clicked 'Lucy?' She mutters under her breath. 'Kendall!' Her manger shouted then she shot back to the screen. She couldn't focus what was going on in her head. The photoshoot was finally over she picked up her stuff and left still thinking about Lucy. She walked into her house and went straight upstairs to think. She typed Lucy's number in her phone and messaged her.
To unknown: Hello