A Gale Wedding: Part C

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“What?!” Gajeel could hear Lily snickering from the bench behind him. After searching for over an hour, they had finally found the suit shop. Unfortunately, the stupid things weren't made for anyone who was even remotely muscular. After ripping the shoulder seams out of two different jackets, he had given up and requested a custom one.

“Nothing,” Lily said. He shook his head and held up his hands in surrender, still smirking. “I don't understand why you didn't have the custom suit made before you ripped two other jackets.”

“Shut up,” Gajeel snapped. “If the damned things weren't made for scrawny weaklings, they wouldn't have ripped!”

“Mr. Redfox?” A small brunette entered the waiting room, carrying a large bag. She looked young, but something about her posture and facial expressions made Gajeel guess she was a lot older than she looked. “I'll take your measurements now. Please stand up straight.”

Gajeel did as she instructed, uncomfortable with her intrusive measuring. She was finished in ten minutes, putting her measuring tools away and pulling out a notebook and pen. “I need to know the color and style you would like each piece to be. Are we doing just a jacket and dress shirt, or would you like to include a vest as well? How tall will your shoes be? That will help me decide what length to make your pants. Shall we send for a pair of dress shoes to be made, as well?”

Her flurry of questions never seemed to cease. Before he could even answer one she would shoot off another three questions, always scribbling things down in her notebook. He looked at Lily in defeat, at a complete loss. How the hell should I know the answers to these questions?! It's not like I've gotten married before. Hell, I've never even been to a wedding!

“Listen,” Gajeel sighed, interrupting her. “I have no idea, alright? Just do whatever the hell you want. As long as it's done by tomorrow, and it fits, I don't really care.”

“Here.” Lily handed the woman a piece of paper. “I think this will do.”

“What is--?”

“I wrote down the answers to those questions,” Lily told him. “I know what Levy's dress looks like, so I know what will match it. I don't know much about this sort of thing, but I believe this will be a sufficient amount of information. I trust that you ladies know what you're doing, so there's no need for us to worry.”

“That's exactly right,” the woman said, taking the paper from Lily. “Stop by tomorrow morning and it will be done. We'll do the fitting and any last-minute adjustments, then you'll be good to go!”

“Thank you,” Lily said, answering for Gajeel. He was still too startled by what had just happened to speak. Lily never stops surprising me. Who knew that a cat would know so much about weddings.

“So, where should we go now? We have until the morning to pick up your tuxedo, so I think it would be best to find food and lodgings,” Lily pondered aloud.

“Thanks,” Gajeel muttered. “I hate to admit it, but I'm really bad at this wedding stuff.”

“You do realize that it was you who insisted upon having a wedding so soon, don't you?” Lily sighed.

“I know that,” he snapped. “It's just—tch—ah, forget it. This whole damned thing is frustrating as hell!” Not paying attention, Gajeel ran straight into someone walking passed him, knocking them down. “Hey, watch where you're--” he began, frowning at the person on the ground. He was cut off when a ball of magic energy smashed into his face, sending him flying backwards.

It's a Gale Life [Gale] {The FT Love Chronicles; Book 2.5}Where stories live. Discover now