love and friendship

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Ones upon a time there was a boy called sunny .He was very innocent and kind hearted boy .He was studying in 10th standard in Hyderabad. He used to be very friendly and kind with his friends and other people .sunny loved a girl named Adri. She was in 9th class and was very pretty and beautiful. He was following Adri and used to see her by hiding but never said her that he loves her. He used to sacrifice everything for her. He used to give her a lot of things by hiding them in her bag when she was not noticing him.
             One day when Adri was alone sunny was watching her by hiding beside a tree and Adri noticed it. She went near him and asked him “why are you following me” but
Sunny said “no I’m not following u”
Adri said “why are you lying to me, I have been noticing you from a long time”
Then sunny was worried and said “I found you as the kind girl in the school so I want to talk to u and be your friend” and then Adri went off from there without saying anything.
Sunny felt very bad and disappointed. He went near a tree and sat below it and was literally crying. After sometime Sid came over there .Sid was a close friend of sunny. Sid saw sunny and asked “hey! Why are you sad dude?”
Sunny said “hey  our sir had scolded me today” Sid don’t know that sunny loves Adri.
Sid said “that idiot sir, I’m  gonna kick this ass!when i get him alone”
Sunny said “its fine don't worry about him” and sunny hugged him and said “Sid I'm  very lucky that i have u as my best friend” there went to the class.after the school when everyone was about to go home sunny was very depressed and was getting ready to go home. Sham a friend of sunny came to him and said “sunny,i need your help”
Sunny said “what is it sham”
Sham request “ sunny, lucky is a very good friend of you so please ask her number and give me please”
Sunny funnily asked “sham what’s the matter dude”
Then  sham said “actually i love her a lot so please help me”
Sunny said “ okay sham i will get her number for you”
Sham thanked sunny and went out of class and sunny went to lucky.lucky was another close friend of sunny and she talks very closely with only sunny.they both went out of class together and sunny said” hey lucky can i give a company to you”
Lucky said “i thought of asking you the same, i could always love to walk with you”
They both headed to there homes together and suddenly a girl closed sunny’s eyes from  behind and asked to find out who she was then sunny said “ its none other then my beautiful best friend soni”
soni was the best friend of sunny they used to go everywhere together and share everything among them.everyone in the school think that they are lovers but they don't pay attention to them because they know they are only best friend forever.then soni said “ i lost again,how can you guess me”
Sunny said “ because your my best friend and i can feel you when your around me” then soni patted on sunny's back and they together went to there homes . They talked with each other happily and headed to there houses . There homes are very near to one others.there went to their respective houses changed their dress and they went to the ground to play basketball.There played together for sometime then sunny went and sat on the bench and he was worried about Adri.soni saw him and went to him and asked “sunny whats the matter ?why are you so sad?”
Sunny said soni what had happened between him and Adri . soni patted on sunny’s back and said “come on sunny, don't worry about her , if she loves you she is lucky or else u find someone else ,there are lot of girls in the school” they had some conversation then sunny went and took lucky’s number and then they headed to their homes. At night sunny and soni studied together and they both slept in sunny’s room .
next day sunny woke up early in the morning and he woke up soni .they both went for jogging and reached their homes. They got fresh ed up and got ready for the school. Sunny was still warring about Adri.they went to the school and when sunny was going into the class Adri stopped him and said “hi,sunny” and gave him shake hand sunny felt very happy and then sunny said “hi”then Adri said “ lets meet in break time and talk because now  you have class” then sunny replied “sure Adri , bye”
Sunny was very happy for that and he said it to soni .she too felt very happy for that and said “sunny! CONGRATS AND ALL THE BEST” then they attended the class and later in break sunny talked to Adri and then he introduced Adri to soni,lucky and sham. They talked with each other for sometime and then went to there classes .sunny was very happy and was dreaming about Adri in the class and the teacher in the class noticed sunny and shouted at him and asked “define TRUTH” sunny who was dreaming about Adri said “ she loves me” and everyone started laughing and they thought sunny was talking about soni .then he corrected himself and said the definition of truth and sat.After the school sunny was very happy and sham came to him and asked “sunny, did u get her number “ then sunny gave him her number and went out of the class.Sunny went to Adri along with soni and they together headed to their homes .Adri’s home was near to sunny’s home .they went to their respective homes and then they went to the ground as usually.but this time Adri too joined them and they played together happily .sunny.soni,sham,Sid,lucky and Adri became close friends and they enjoyed together.they went to many places together .they went to movies together and they talked together and enjoyed their life very much
                   On Adri’s birthday sunny brought a nice chain for her but he was afraid to give it directly to her.he requested soni to give that chain to Adri and said “soni give this to Adri but don’t say her that i have given this gift”
Soni asked “why is that? And what should i say her about this if she asks me”
Sunny said “say her that a guy who loves her a lot gave it but don’t say my name to her and if she asks again say her that the guy will meet him soon”
Soni said “okay sunny, I will do as you say and i don’t understand why your doing this”
Sunny said “come on soni ,trust me everything will be fine soon”
Soni went to Adri and gave the necklace to her and said her as sunny had requested.sunny felt happy for that and they together enjoyed Adri’s birthday at a park.Adri wearied the necklace given my sunny and she was very happy to have them around her on her birthday. Next day they as usually went to school and they together enjoyed they school life. One day sunny decided to say his love to Adri and he made his move in the break time.
When he was on his way to Adri lucky caught his hand and took his to a lonely place.
Sunny asked “hey lucky,what is it”
Lucky said “sunny i love u and i can’t be without you”
Sunny was shocked by it and asked “lucky what are you talking “
Lucky said “ yes, i love u”
Sunny said “ sorry lucky,i never imagined you in such way ,your very nice friend of me and  i like someone else”
Lucky said “ i was in love with you from a long time but i was afraid to tell you”
Sunny said “ but sorry lucky, i don’t love you,and sham loves you a lot and I’m sure you will be very happy with him because he really loves you a lot”
Lucky protested “but i love you and now i will be very disappointed for this “
Sunny said “come on we will be nice friends forever and its better you go out with sham and he is very good guy and better then me”
Lucky felt very bad and she ran away from him without saying him anything and sunny too felt very bad for that and he went to class thinking about Adri and lucky.
He did not pay his attention to the class and he was very disappointed about what had happened. After the class lucky went away without talking to sunny and soni came to him and asked why he was sad .sunny and soni headed to their homes together and sunny said everything what had happened .In the auto sunny kept his head in soni lap and cried for sometime.they reached there homes and then they as usually went to the ground but lucky did not join them. Sunny did not play the game and soni joined him.Adri and Sid played together and then they all went to their homes. Sunny was still  very sad about it and soni gave him support and they slept in sunny’s room .next day on wards lucky went out with sham and sunny was still trying to get Adri.
                    On valentines day sunny brought another gift for Adri and gave to soni and asked her to give it to Adri and said “ say her to come to beach house today as I’m gonna propose her today but don't say her my name” soni went and gave it to Adri and said “ the guy who loves you and gave you all this gifts said you to come to beach house today evening.Adri felt very happy and she rushed to the home to get ready for the evening. Soni too was shocked by this and she returned to her home . Sunny was happy at what soni had said him and got ready for the evening. He was very happy and was flowing in the world of dreams. In the evening he got ready and went out of his room to go to beach house .Sid came to him and said “sunny,i need your help and i wanted to say you something “
Sunny was very happy thinking about his proposal and asked  “ I’m always for you what is it Sid”
Sid said “i love Adri a lot ,please help me with her,she will listen to only you please”
Sunny was shocked and went blank at what he had heard.His heart pumped out like a volcano.
Sid said “please sunny i can’t live without her please say her about me and help me” and he went from there. Sid don’t know that sunny loves Adri.
Sunny was in complete shock and did not understand what to do.
He went to the room and locked it from inside and cried a lot but later decided to help and make Sid happy and break his love palace and build Sid love palace. He washed his face and went to beach house. Sunny was Adri and he was unable to stop crying but he controlled and went to her.Adri was wearing very nice dress and was looking very beautiful and she wearied the necklace sunny and given her on her birthday and also the ring he had given on that day. He was happy and was also very sad. He went to Adri and she was shocked and smiled on seeing him and asked “is it you who loved me”
Sunny thought of saying yes but his heart stopped him and said “no its not me , it was Sid who loved you a lot”
Adri felt surprised and asked “why didn’t he come here and why did u come here “
Sunny said “he was afraid to come so he had send me to say you “
Adri turned back in shy and sunny lost his control and tears flowed from his eyes.when Adri turned back again she noticed it and asked “why are you crying?” then sunny rubbed his eyes and said “I’m happy that my both friends are becoming lovers”
Adri said “oh okay, and ask Sid to come to beach house tomorrow at evening alone”
Sunny said “ i will say him and I’m sure he will be very happy for that” and sunny went off from there.he was very sad and he went home crying.
At night sunny was in his room and soni went to him and asked “what happened sunny,”and then she noticed him crying and asked “hey sunny why are you crying?”
Sunny said soni all the things that happened and started crying a lot and soni felt very bad and tried her best to make sunny happy.sunny was really very sad and disappointed. Sid called sunny and asked “sunny,what happened;what did she say”.
Sunny said “congrats Sid,Adri accepted you,she said you to come to the beach house tomorrow to meet her”.
Sid said “thanks sunny your my best friend  forever,thank you very much” and he had cut the call. Sunny was really very sad about it and burst out to tears. He did not eat anything. His parents were very worried about him. Soni took him out and thought of making him happy. They walked for a while and then sat in a park. Sunny was unable to stop his tears and tears burst out of his eyes. Soni tried to stop him but she too was crying a lot inside.she too could not stop her self from bursting out the tears but for sunny’s sake she tried her best and stopped her tears. Sunny kept his head in soni’s lap and tried not to cry. Soni kept her hand on sunny’s head and made him feel better.after sometime there went to a restaurant but sunny did not eat anything over there even after soni requested a lot to eat. Finally they headed to there homes and went to sunny’s room and tried to sleep but they both were not able to sleep at all. Sunny cried the whole night thinking about what he did and did not sleep the whole night.
               Next morning sunny said to her mom that he was sick and did not go to the school. Soni went to the school and came back after the school to sunny’s house. Sunny’s mom said soni that sunny had not eaten anything since morning. Soni went and knocked sunny’s room and asked him to open the door. When sunny opened the door soni was shocked on seeing the room. The whole room was messed up with all the things on the ground and she also found Adri’s name on the wall written with blood. She went blank and slapped on sunny’s face and saw sunny’s hand with blood. She went down and brought a bandage and antiseptic cream. She applied the cream where sunny cut his hand and covered it with bandage. She was crying a lot for that and scolded sunny. After  sometime Sid called him and  said “thank you sunny, she accepted my love,he gave a  kiss to me too,I’m giving a party will u come”
Sunny said “no Sid i can’t come I’m sick today”
Sid requested him but finally said okay and he cut the call. She burst into tears again.Soni tried to calm him down. They hand some talk for sometime and were very sad. Soni took sunny outside and they walked in the park. Soni was said “come on sunny,past is past don’t worry about it please”
Sunny turned to her and gave her a  hug and said “thanks soni for being with me always”
Soni took sunny to a restaurant and forced sunny to eat . After finishing eating they headed to there homes. They went to there houses and slept.
                  Next day sunny got ready and went to school as usually along with soni. He used to feel bad whenever he saw Adri with Sid but never expressed it out. They as usually went to different places together and enjoy they school ending days but sunny was a bit sad then before. Lucky went out with sham and they were very happy. No one except soni knows about sunny’s love. They together enjoyed a lot . Soni and sunny studied together and passed out in the exams with nice marks. Sunny passed out with first rank while the others passed out with good percentage. they together enjoyed there vacations. Sid was happy with Adri. Soni stayed with sunny all the time.
One day Sid called sunny and said him to come to the rock garden.sunny went there to know what it is about. When sunny went there Sid asked “why did u do that”
Sunny was shocked and worried and asked “what did i do Sid”
Sid said “Adri said that u have given her two gifts one on her birthday and other on valentines day”
Sunny “yes,of coarse i have given her,whats the matter in that”
Sid said “you don’t know that i love Adri on her birthday so why did u give her the gift”
Sunny was very surprised and worried and was feared to answer. Sid asked him again “say truth why did you give her” tears burst out of sunny’s eyes . He said “actually i was in love with her so i had given her two gifts but when you said that you love her,i said her lie and killed my love over her”
Sid started crying and said “why did you lied and why did you do that”
Sunny said “because for me our friendship is more then my love for her and i want you to be happy so i lied”
Sid hugged him and said “i have never seen anyone like you before,your the best person i have meet and my best friend forever”
Sunny requested Sid not to say about this to Adri and said him to be happy and take care of Adri.
Sid said “i will take care of her and be with her and also with you as your best friend  forever”.
After talking for sometime they headed to their homes and planned for a get together for dinner.
They call the people of their group and asked them to come to star hotel for dinner. Sunny asked soni to come for the dinner and she agreed to come. They are meet in the hotel for dinner and had there dinner together by talking to each other. After they finished dinner they headed back to their homes.Adri called sunny a side and gave him a hug and said “thanks sunny,for all the things you have done for me” and gave him a letter and went away. Sunny felt happy and he went to his home. Sunny went into his room and open the envelope and read the letter
       Sunny thank you for being with me and for all the things you have done for me.i know your the one who had given me all the gifts and i know that you loved me. Why did you lie to me. If you had said truth i could have surely loved you because i actually loved you but i did not say you because of what you said on valentines day. I thought u don’t really love me so i accepted him. I know the truth because i have listen to what you and Sid talked today evening. I’m gonna miss you a lot and thanks for thinking about me as your friend. Your the best person i have ever meet,Bye.
                  He was sad for what he had done and happy because his friend was happy because of him. He called soni and went for a walk with her and he said all about his talk with Sid and also about the letter Adri had given him. They talked about each others and there feelings. They returned to there homes . Sunny hugged soni and said “thanks,soni for being with me all the time,your my best ever friend i had have”
Soni smiled and said “your too my best friend forever”
Sunny said “okay,take care goodnight and good bye” and went into his home with tears running in his eyes. Soni did not understand why sunny said goodbye for her and she felt very strange and bad about it. She went to her house thinking about sunny.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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