An Unexpected Arrival

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The skies were clear above the Archipelago that was home to Berk, but a storm was brewing. A few miles from the shoreline a dragon was circling the waters, hunting high and low, his sad cry echoed across the waves and met the rock pools where his hunted prize was laying. A black mess, soaked from head to toe, unconscious but luckily breathing after her salty dip during the early hours of the morning. The black of her robes kept her warm in the sun though her face was pale and the freezing water she was half-in counteracted the good it was doing. If it weren't for the family ring on her finger, glinting in the sun, she'd have been perfectly camouflaged, especially with the seaweed that was tangled around her and in her hair.

Up on the cliffs Amara sighed, rubbing the chin of the black dragon that was basking in the morning sun beside her, though watching her keenly. "You worry too much, Uncle Toothless. I'm just going down to the beach to try out my new fishing rod... I'll be fine. Dad's leg's been bothering him, he needs you more than I do. I can make it down the docks myself."

At her insistence the black dragon, Toothless, cooed, in a sweet way. Having known the dragon her whole life,  she read into as him telling her to be careful, before it set off to find his partner. Amara proceeded to make her way down to the beach, her hair the same deep brown as her father, Chief Hiccup's, but having a body like her mother had at 15. She smiled, waving at the Villagers on her way, settling in once down at the beach to try to do some shore fishing and do what she could to help with Berk's food stores.

After managing to half-fill her fishing basket, Amara noticed the glint on some of the rocks on the beach and went over to inspect it. Finding a human, she gasped, abandoning her basket of fish for now and hurried over to the body. She shook the unconscious girl gently hoping they ok, while scanning the horizon for any ships, as well as the sky for hostile dragons, anything that might explain where the girl came from. "Hey...are you alright?"

 The girl didn't stir but coughed up some sea water. The dragon that was out searching for her wasn't visible from the shore.upon closer inspection  it did look more like a dragon had lost their supper than a ship had lost a member of her crew, especially as ships still seldom took women for fear of bad luck. And this girl certainly seemed to have had her fair share of that.

Amara knew this girl had to get out of the water to survive, and pulled her up onto the beach, thumping her back to try to help get the sea water out. "Hang on, ok? I'll go get my dad... he's the chief, he'll know how we should help you, and he needs to know about unexpected arrivals." She told the person, then ran out, calling for her father and Toothless. Up in the middle of the village, the dragon in question paused, hearing the girl's calls. The first hint he gave to his rider was unfortunate in that it consisted of turning and flying towards the calls regardless of if his rider wanted him to or not. His rider was Amara's father. Chief Hiccup Haddock. And thanks to toothless, he was with his only child in a matter of moments.

On the beach the girl drifted in and out of consciousness. In the very brief seconds she was awake she 'saw' a shadow in a familiar shape block out the sun. "Beau...." she spluttered as she passed out again. Her accent told Hiccup enough to know she wasn't from these waters. She wasn't dressed like a viking or even a dragon hunter. She certainly was odd but hiccup guessed she was from some form of royalty given her black dress, the ring and her strange accent. He picked her up and placed her on Toothless' back. "Amara, go gather everyone to the great Hall." He instructed her before heading off with toothless to that very place. Knowing him, hiccup was already forming a plan A, B and possibly even a C too.

Amara nodded, doing as her Dad had instructed, talking to everyone, even sending Gothi's flight of Terrible Terrors to bring her from her hut, with the message tied to one's leg that the Chief needed her in the Great Hall. Soon the whole village was there, waiting to see why their Chief had called a meeting on such a massive scale.

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