Final flight

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They immediately went to Gobber's saddlery and dentistry with Tsunami, and had her fitted and saddled. Amara, with her own dragon, was finally able to fly alongside the rest of the riders in the village, something that made her heart soar as well. Even Elder Gothi was proud of the girls. However, even this small happiness didn't last as the lookout near the "thunder ear" called out. "Chief Hiccup! Dragon Hunters! We have an Armada coming this way! Dragon Proof Cages, Amber-resistant hulls... and armed to the teeth! What should we do?"

Bane looked at Roxanna and hissed in a worried way. Roxanna just pulled a face and listened to Amara, beside her. If she moved, Roxy would go too. Whenever there was a rush of people around her, she did this. It was the only way she could guarantee she wouldn't be crushed or worse, in the way.

"Rox... do you have any ideas as to how we can drive them off? Vikings, especially those like the Dragon Hunters, are very superstitious."

Roxanna shrugged and bane sighed in relief, thinking his precious wasn't going to get involved. "A sneak attack might work... like, let them land, make it look like the place is completely empty and, just as they let their guard down, chase them off or something?" She shrugged.

"If what Heather said is true... they're probably after Bane..." Amara said softly. "Still, it might be worth a shot. Maybe we should tell Dad about the idea?"

"It's your home so it's your call." She said.

"My home, yes...but your idea. I think we should tell dad before they get too much closer."

"Then, by all means, tell him." She said.

Amara nodded, urging Roxanna to stay close to her and Tsunami as they made their way over to her dad, telling him Rox's idea, and being sure to give Rox the credit for it as well.

Hiccup wasn't keen at all but looked at Amara, with a dead straight face. "How do you feel about it?" He asked. Roxanna could tell by his tone that he didn't want to go through with this.

"I know it's risky, but it may be the only way to scare the Dragon Hunters off for good, Dad. You've been dealing with chasing them off for more than twenty years, and they keep coming back. If we can scare them off for good, we'll be able to protect our dragons, and the peace we've forged with them." She said, her face as straight as his.

"If you're sure then we'll give it a try." He said before giving the orders out.

With all the fires out, and everyone hidden, the village really did look abandoned as Viggo Grimborn walked into the village square.

The hunters walked through the eerie village until they spotted something move on on a roof top. At this they all paused and aimed their arrow at the strange girl there. "Speak, Wench! Where are the others?" Viggo demanded. Roxanna smiled. "Others? There are none like me. I hail from the halls of the gods on behalf of my husband. He is most displeased with your disgraceful behaviour on his beloved island of Berk. Most displeased. So he has sent me to right the wrong you have caused." She said, pretending to look at her nails in a careless way. Viggo growled and the hunters released the arrows at her. Roxanna raised her hand and, mostly because of a sudden gust of wind, the arrows missed their mark. As this happened, the burkians sprang forward to attack. It caught them completely off guard. But, during the fray, Viggo managed to get the better of hiccup. "If you want to see him alive again, you'll deliver that black deathsong!" Viggo threatened as the hunters retreated.

Amara's heart was in her throat, and even Tsunami was distressed at her rider's distress. She had been fighting at her mother's side through the battle when her father was taken. She looked toward her friend, her distress and plea for help in her wordless cry. She had persuaded her father to follow this course... she only hoped Roxanna could help with the untold portion of her plan. The whole time she'd known Rox, she'd always had another idea.

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