Chapter 68- the Bahamas part 2

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Yuki's story continues -

As I walked out of the castle to leave Teru, Zin and Hizaki in their mischief plans, Jenny came out of the castle with me.

"Lord Yuki where are you going?" She asked.

"I'm just going to the store to get some beers for my house, with Masashi and Meiko gone, I don't think Kamijo need me to keep Teru, Zin and Hizaki under control." I said.

"Can I come with you?" Jenny asked.

"But Jenny, you been with me mostly all morning, you should stay here with the servants and knowing Kamijo, he's going to need you while Masashi and Meiko are away." I said.

"Well that's the thing, I miss them, I miss lady Meiko and I feel so lonely without her, I don't have many female friends in the castle to talk to besides her." Jenny said.

From what I saw she looked sad when she said she doesn't have many female friends, so I felt bad for her and decided to let her come with me to my house.

"Okay, you can come with me." I said.

"Thank you, lord Yuki." Jenny said.

"Please, just call me Yuki." I said to Jenny.

"Right, Yuki." She said.

We got in my car and drove off to the store.

"Lord Yuk...I Yuki?" Jenny said.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Do you missed Lord Masashi and lady Meiko too?" Jenny asked.

"Well yeah I missed them, but they haven't been gone that long, far as I know. They probably have already made it, because at the Bahamas it's daylight over there. I just wish we could all go to the Bahamas together, but Masashi wanted to be a romantic get away for him and Meiko and I don't want to mess that up for them." I said to Jenny.

"I see, so for Lord Masashi, this is his second relationship with lady Meiko, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, because his first relationship with Anzu died along with her and this is a once in a lifetime chance for him, it'll be silly for him to mess it up, just like what happened two months ago." I said.

"What happened to lady Anzu was a tragic accident caused by Natalia and speaking of which, what you and Kamijo did to her?" Jenny asked.

"Oh, we sent her to another part of Japan and this time, we sold her to some mergion so that she won't harm Masashi and Meiko again." I answered.

"Oh, that's great, does Lord Masashi knows?" Jenny asked.

"Yeah, he knows, but I don't think he told Meiko." I said as we got to the store and made our way inside.

Apart of me would want to go to the Bahamas, but I don't want to ruin Masashi's chance of being with Meiko.

He already lost Anzu and I don't want him to lose Meiko.

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