Chapter one "crash landing"

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A/N I suggest you read the first two parts so your not confused for the rest of the story. And we wouldn't want that now would we? (Starts around season 2)
Being a Xenomorph is hard. Especially when your a super-bread. Initially I was just a normal drone. Mindlessly following orders. But now that I am a super-breed I can do as I wish. And when to do so. Also being a super-breed means I can actually think and have feelings and such. That was one of the best parts.
And right now I was on a Predator ship. Mostly because I wanted their strengths and things like that. Being partly face hugger I can make xenomorphs like that. But at the same time I can't have birth to face huggers. But I don't care. And the advantage of being part face hugger is that I can manipulate the "breeding" "tube" to take the knowledge and advantages of the spieces. 
The ship was on corse to a planet that looks similar to earth except the continents are off by a lot. And we where on collision course also. So my small colony will die soon impact. Except for the few praetorians on board.
Not a moment later we entered the atmosphere and the ship started to burn up. I sent a telekinetic message to my hive on board that the ship is about to crash.
I felt the presence of a praetorian behind me and I turned to face him.
"What will you have us do when we crash?" He asked.
"Nothing" I replied.
"Are you sure that is wise?" He asked
"I will have my current hive killed for the sake of our spieces. I will make sure to bring you all back once we are ready to leave. But at the moment I need you all dead. Don't take it personally. I like you all but I need to make sure you don't die by the inhabitants of this world" I replied sadly.
"As you wish my lord" he replied and bowed to the best of his ability.
I did nothing but turn back to the glass that separated me from the world and watched as we got closer.
Soon we impacted near a large courtyard like place next to a large... School of sorts. Except it was very strange looking.
The praetorian that was in the large command bridge died upon impact. And so did the rest of the hive. I didn't want it but it had to happen.
I was currently in a 37.5ft ball and waited for us to stop moving. Soon enough the ship stopped and I got out of my small (actually quite large) ball and stretched my large muscular body and I heard a few pops thanking the motion.
When I stopped stretching my limbs and such I got down on my four main limbs and walked to the end of the ship with the hatch to go in and out.
I didn't open it but something else did. I watched as a human poped out from the hatch and looked around. I jumped and latched to the roof above the human waiting for her to move.
Soon she was inside the ship and another girl replaced the last. Soon enough the ship had around eight girls and four boys. If I could I would have smiled.
I heard them speaking but I couldn't clearly hear them. And I didn't really care. I just wanted out of this ship. But that's when one of the girls saw a dead drone. And this time I could hear.
"W-What is that?" The girl asked. She had a red cloak and a scythe that she shouldn't be able to hold.
"I don't know Rubes" a blonde female replied.
I slowly walked down the wall making sure not to make any noise. Soon the new occupants where around the hanger and still hadn't noticed me. But I spoke to soon.
I misplaced my clawed foot and slipped and fell on the floor next to the hatch. It was barely big enough to fit through even in my roller form so I had to stay in here until I found a way out.
"G-Guys... Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" A blonde boy asked.
I shook my head to undisorient my self.
When I looked up I saw that everyone was facing me and I did nothing.
"You guys alright?" I heard a close from the hatch say.
"Y-You may want to get up here Professor Ozpin" I heard the girl with sunglasses say.
I backed away from the hatch and saw a man with green clothing come through and he looked at me.
"What is that?" The man asked calmly.
"W-We don't know" a man with a large great sword said.
I didn't want to seem scary so I backed up a bit more with my head close to the ground and stopped when I felt my tail touch the wall.
"I think it may be from off world some how" the man named Ozpin said.
I tilted my head and nodded slightly.
"You can understand us?" He asked to which I nodded again.
"Remarkable. It's not even a creature of Grimm" he said.
I let out a low his as one of the student walked to about 5 meters in front of me.
"He seems dangerous" a girl with a bow said.
I hissed as a the same girl came closer. She had a spartan looking setup with leg armor, a short sword, and a shield.
She was about to place a hand on my head when I lurched my tail forward and stabbed near her foot to warn her.
She got the message and back off a few feat.
"It definitely is not a creature of Grimm because it doesn't have much hostility and it doesn't have the red eyes or white mask" the Spartan said.
I stretched to my full hight which towered over the humans. By about twenty feet. I was about 34ft tall and I could easily kill them but I decided not to.
I turned away from them and extended my claws and dug them into the metal hull and started carving out a big enough hole for me to get out. It was completed in mere seconds and I stepped into the light. I staggered a bit because I haven't seen light in about 3 years.
I then heard a new voice.
"What do we do with it?" A ginger haired girl asked as I turned to face them.
"I want to keep it" I heard the gunner say.
"Ask the creature. It can understand us. So I'd guess he's much smarter then he appears" Ozpin said.
"So who do you want to take care of you?" Ozpin asked.
I studied the group looking at them then turned around and walked outside.
I then felt a thunk on my hind leg and turned around and saw the male with a sword and shield had just tried to cut me.
I tilted my head and leaned closer to him. He started to shake.
I then smacked him away with my forearm.
He slide flew back and hit the Spartan and she fell with the blonde on top of her.
I hissed and turned and left the ship.
*time skip Glynda's POV*
"Hello professor Ozpin" I said as Ozpin sat down in his chair.
"Hello Glynda" he replied.
"You look like you've seen a ghost" I commented.
"You remember that UFO (Un-identified flying object XD) that crashed in the courtyard?" He asked.
"Yes" I replied.
"There was some sort of creature inside of it and it was pretty smart" he replied.
"Where is it?" I questioned.
He got a slightly guilty look.
"I let it go" he said plainly.
I stayed silent for about five seconds trying to compute wheat he had said.
*POV change to mua'*
I was in an alley way sleeping when I heard a conversation.
"I will literally pay you to shut up" a femine voice said.
I opened my eyes to see a girl with green hair talking to a male with grey clothing.
"That's not your money" the male said.
"But it could be yours if you stayed quiet for five minutes" the female said waving a wallet a foot away from the males face.
His face went into a fake thinking posture then shook his head.
"Nah" he replied.
The girl grumbled and opened the wallet expertly and took out the money then threw the wallet at me and it made a loud THUNK sound which caused the two people to look at me.
"Was that the wallet?" The girl asked.
I let out a low hiss and revealed myself to my small audience.
"What is that?" The male asked.
I then fully revealed myself to the two and they almost screamed but placed a hand over their mouths and shook my head slowly.
They just stared blankly then looked at each other as if they where having a mental debate. They soon finished and took a step back.
"You stay here alright. We'll be back later" the male said.
I nodded and went back into the shadows out of sight.
They turned around and left still shivering in fear.
I mentally laughed my ass off the entire time. I stretched then fell back on my side and went back to sleeping.
*time skip*
I woke up to the sound of someone tapping me.
I opened my eyes and saw the green haired girl with a flashlight that was currently off in her right hand and she was tapping me with her left hand.
"WAKE UP!" she yelled in a hushed whisper.
I hissed and stood up on my back legs reaching almost 40ft tall.
She fell on her ass in surprise and looked up at me.
"Heheh. Sorry" she said in a whisper.
I rested my head on her belly and looked at her scared and surprised face.
"C-Can you get off please?" She asked.
I lifted my head and got on all fours and waited for her to say something.
"Can you follow me while we have the darkness to shadow us" she said and turned around and walked away.
I followed without delay. Soon we walked up to a warehouse and she entered.
"Follow me" she said poking her head out from the door.
I shook my head.
She growled.
"Come on" she said sternly.
I pointed at the door. Then she realized what I meant.
"Oh sorry bout that" she chuckled.
She pushed a button and I heard a click then half the wall of the warehouse moved to the other. It was just big enough for me to fit.
"Come on big guy" she said.
I looked at her then walked into the warehouse. When I did the wall closed and I was now inside a cage.
"Sorry buddy, but we want to know what you are" the girl said.
I cocked my head and I heard some talking and then I saw the guy with grey armor, and two three new people. One of them had a mask on and it seemed to be a girl.
I tilted my head and got ready to melt the bars with my acid but I was interrupted.
"Ah. And what are you supposed to be?" A famine voice asked.
I looked at her and bent down to meet her height.
"We don't know Cinder. We just found it in an alley way and we though we could make it your personal assassin pet or somethin" Mercury said.
I hissed.
"It seems not to fond of that idea" Cinder said.
I nodded in response which caused her to raise an eyebrow.
"You can understand us perfectly?" She asked.
I nodded again.
She smiled.
The only lights where a few lanterns. Until the lights flicked on.

I hope you enjoyed so far and I'll make the next one when I get time 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2016 ⏰

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