Chapter 10 Dad and I at a Cafe

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Clarisse POV
It was an old sixties red Chevy. I never thought I would see my Dad have such an old car.

We both got in and rode in silence to the nearest cafe. We were still silent when we went inside and got our drinks.

He got a coffee with three sugars and I got a Mocha. When we found a spot it was in one of the back booths by a large window.

That is when my Father broke the silence. "How are you doing?"  He asked referring to my Mom. "I'm okay, I mean she was never around anyway."

My Father nodded. "Are you sure?" "I'm fine Dad don't worry."

He smiled "Well, I'm your Dad I kind of have to." I laughed.  My Father looked around the Cafe before speaking words in Greek.

I looked around seeing no change. "They can't see us" my Father told me.  "Now come here" my Father motioned me. I got up from my seat and went to his side of the booth.

He moved where I could be on the inside my back against the wall before the window started. My Father turned his body where he was facing me, hiding me from the rest of the world.

"Come on Hun, talk to me." My Dad asked combing his fingers through my hair seemingly like out of habit. "Did Mom ever  love me I mean did she even want me?" I asked on the edge of tears.

I did not want to cry in front of my Dad or anyone for that matter. I didn't want anyone to see me in a weak vulnerable state. I hid my face in my Dad shirt not wanting him to see me this way.

My Dad wrapped both his arms around me. "Shh baby, Lila did love you. She just didn't know how." My Father whispered kissing my forehead. I kissed his cheek.

"It's okay baby. I know it's hurts, it always does." He said rubbing my back. I nodded  nuzzling myself into his chest. He continued to comb his fingers through my hair. It felt like I was about to fall asleep when we heard lightning crack across the sky.

We both looked outside seeing a strong storm brewing. My Father let out a low growl.  "Baby I got to go." My Dad said. I nodded and kissed his cheek.

Dad and I stood up and walked outside the cafe and he disappeared.

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