The Speed of Love- Barry Allen/The Flash

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I own the artwork, but not the franchise. Also I do not own the music or its video.

-"To understand what I'm about to tell you, you need to do something first. You need to believe in the impossible. Can you do that? Good."-


"You mean, I've been in a coma for almost a year?"

"Well, actually it was eleven mont- never mind I'll just shut up." The boy, Cisco, cut himself off. Caitlin, if you remembered correctly, gave him a pointed glare.

"Yes, but there is something else you need to to know." The young woman sat next to you on the bed, apparently you've been in it for months. Eleven to be exact.

"What else? Did the zombie apocalypse start?" You asked sarcastically. You definitely were not handling this well, and you knew you shouldn't be taking it out on the people who saved your life but it was a lot to take in.

Judging from the three's reactions, they either understood that, or have already delt with this situation before. Your thoughts got cut short by a static sound and a rough breeze.


"You're late? We know Barry." Caitlin cut in with a half smile. "We were just explaining to Y/n here what happened to her. We've made it about half-way."

Barry seemed to understand what she meant, while you just looked between the two. You huffed out a breath in annoyance.

"Well? Are you going to let me in on what's going on that, apparently, involves me?" You asked the four, who were-ever so rudely-leaving you out of something important, "Or should I go back to sleep and let you sort your thoughts?"

Your words must halve flipped a switch in their brains as they looked back to you, an unspoken apology on their faces.

"Well, Ms. L/n, we found you knocked out in your apartment after the Particle Accelerator malfunctioned. We believe the wave of energy it released afterwards affected you." Harrison Wells spoke up.

"Okay, so like some weird radiation sickness? Do I have to take a chemical shower?" You directed your question to Dr. Wells, seeing as he's the only person actually answering your questions.

"Yes, and no." Barry spoke instead. "It was radiation, but you're not sick and I don't think a chemical shower will help."

You swore you saw him flash a smile, but it was gone too soon to see. Dr. Wells once again answers your question, even though you haven't asked it.

"What Mr. Allen means, is we believe that you absorbed the energy from the blast. We also think that your body is reacting....uniquely to that energy." You didn't like the way he said that.

"How, exactly, is my body reacting?"

Barry spoke this time.

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