I was sitting on my comfy bed, my phone in one hand and my other hand shoved down in a potato chips bag.
I was casually scrolling through my Instagram, looking through my feed, other people's feeds, and liking random pictures that seem interesting to me.
I heard my phone ding, and I instantly knew i got a text message.
Jeon Somi: heyyyyy
Jeon Somi: im bored :((
Kim Mina: haha well sucks for you
Jeon Somi: you're so mean >:(
Kim Mina: hahaha lmao
Jeon Somi: want to come over?
Kim Mina: sure, I'll be there in a little bit
After that my best friend, Somi, didn't respond.
I ran back downstairs to put away the bag of chips and ran back up to change into more appealing clothes, a random plain t-shirt, jeans, black converse, and an oversized grey jacket.
I skipped my way to the bathroom to fix my messy hair nest and clean my bad breath. Right after that, I walked over to my older brothers room to inform him I'm going over next door to Somi.
"Namjoon, I'm going over to Somi's." I peeked my head in to see my brother on the computer yelling at the screen, "Why can you not do anything at all, Yoongi?! It's so simple just kill the monster!"
He is yet again raging about this stupid game that I have no idea what it's about, all I know is that there is a lot of mystical creatures and killing.
"Not going to pay attention to me?" I spoke louder than before. He then turned to face me, "Oh, Mina. Yeah Yeah go on, just don't go home so late."
I nodded my head, closing his door again and hurrying on down to the front door.
My dad was out at his job, he had to work extra hours today for some apparent reason. For my mom, I don't know about her. I haven't really gotten to see my mom since, I don't know, since I was really young? I can't recall any memories of her so I assumed she either left us, or she is dead. I never got the chance to talk to my brother or my dad about it, so I kinda thought I shouldn't bring the subject up.
"Hello, Mina! Come in!" Somi's mother greeted me at the door. I bowed slightly and took off my shoes while entering.
"Somi is in her room, I'll be down here in the kitchen if you need anything." She said while smiling.
I smiled back and thanked her, watching her walk back to the kitchen with her apron on. Somi's mother was extremely nice, it's like you can never imagine her ever killing a single fly. I never saw her yell at Somi or that other person who lives next door to Somi's room, which I assume it's her brother she sometimes talks about.
I've been curious about her brother lately, I have seen some pictures of him around the walls of the house but never have I seen him so recently.
"Mina!!" Somi ran up to me once she saw me at her door.
"Somi!!" I opened my arms for her to crash in and give me a big hug.
"I haven't seen you for like, weeks!" She said.
"It's only been 4 days, Somi." I chuckled, sitting down at the edge of her bed after hugging.
Somi sat right next to me, grinning like a huge idiot.
I gave her a confused look, "Why are you smiling like that?"
"You know that guy, what's his name... Minjae?"
I slowly nodded my head, "Well, he just asked me out to the dance which is next week, isn't that exciting!" She chirped, blushing like crazy.
Definitely exciting, for her. I will be alone then! Third wheeling, sitting by myself having no one to talk to, having to listen to their lovey dovey conversations and see them dance on the dance floor when a slow song comes on. It would be such a bore having no one to go to the dance with me! No one likes me!
I gave her a weak smile, "haha! Yaya! So amazing!" I cheered on with a slight sarcastic tone.
Of course, being the oblivious Somi she is, she couldn't tell me and my fake tone, "Yay! I'm so happy!"
I then heard footsteps coming closer to Somi's room.
"Sis, do you know where the computer charger is?" I saw a very skinny boy by the door, his raven hair swooped to the side and his large ray bands on his small puffy pale face. He was wearing a similar large grey jacket I was wearing, and his bony legs were covered by black pants.
To be honest, he looked so, fine and cute.
"Oh, hey Jungkook."
"Mina, you haven't really seen Jungkook around lately so... Here he is, this is my little brother." Mina pointed out.
I smiled and waved at him, "Hey, Jungkook!"
He shyly smiled and looked down at his feet, "He's shy around girls." Somi whispered.
"He is only a year younger than us though. Oh, and can you unplug that charger right there, Mina?" Somi said.
I nodded my head and stood up to grab the charger plug. I walked to where Jungkook was and handed it to him.
He was playing with the ends of his jacket sleeves and his cheeks were dusted a shade of pink, "T-Thank you." He took the wire out of my hand and in a flash he was gone.
My heart couldn't stop beating quickly.
Damn, Somi's brother was so, cute.
What a great first chapter lol.

[ Best Friend's Brother ]
FanfictionMina fell in love with her best friends brother, Jeon Jungkook. admin: wonu