The Bio

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Have you ever thought into something too deep? Like when you read somebody's bio or somebody's link? Have you took a good time to think? Maybe that you're too attached to something that's not yours or that you infatuate over that one person but she doesn't feel the same. Damn the weather matches, darkness and rain. Now you feel angered and not pleased, but you wanna cry and beg on your knees. The truth and the matter I'm complicated, she's as fast they come. You can chase her around but you can't run. You see her page with a dude. You're filled with rage, but you didn't want to see it. It was accidental for you to see it. You we just scrolling through your feed then you see the emojis. It's like a mind shatter. You wanna take your mind off it but you can't. You feel so attached that you rant. "Congratulations you played yourself" starts running through you head, but it's late at night so you tuck yourself in bed...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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