
910 65 4

[9:15 PM]

"x reti pnggil name ke"

"ak lupa nama kau"
"Sepi go"

"ngeng gile kau"
"ap name kau"


"kau yg start first"

"cubit kang"

"x smpai 👅"


"comel an ak""AHAK"

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"comel an ak"

"memang comel"
"tapi prangai haram"

"x pe kauu"
"ak dtg umah kau esok"
"tau la ap ak nk

"ak halau kau"

"ak tarik kau"

"ak pukul kau"

"ak cium kang"

🎈 To be continued 🎈

memang nak ak mati la 🙃

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memang nak ak mati la 🙃

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