New Leaf

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It was a long drive from Kyoto to the Kaminashi Outskirts. Me and Ichiro were curled up in the backseat completely exhausted and fast asleep. Our uncle drove nonstop. He really wanted to get us away from that place. Losing his sister in-law and his brother at once was very traumatic.
I woke up when the light of the setting sun pierced through the backseat's window. I sat up feeling my brother's jacket slide off me. I took a glance out the window while rubbing my eyes. The place was beautiful.
"Uncle? Where exactly are we living out here?" I asked him in a happy tone.
"I bought a three bedroom house. We're almost there. There's plenty of room for us to train in the backyard." He looked into the rearview mirror at me with a smile. I giggled and looked over at Ichiro. I leaned over and pecked my brother's cheek. He smiled and started to wake up.
"Come on sleeping beauty. We're almost home~." I chimed in a happy tone and smiled.
Ichiro's blue eyes opened to meet my gray ones."I'm up. I'm glad to see you smiling again." He smiled and kissed my cheek. I giggled again and rolled my eyes turning to look out the window again. The car came to a stop outside the new house of ours. It looked amazing. I climbed out first after snatched the house keys from Katsuro.
"Sorry uncle!" I shouted and ran to the front door, Ichiro close behind me. I unlocked it and went inside looking around. Uncle had it all furnished and ready for us. I climbed up the stairs to what was my room and looked around. Wasn't girly at all. Thank God. I was nosy so I looked through everything including.the closet tumbling upon a school uniform. I raised a brow and looked at it. "Ichiro! Did you get a uniform too?"
"Yeah!" He shouted from his room and walked into mine. "He enrolled us in school." He showed me the paperwork and the schedule he had. "Check your desk."
I nodded and walked over to my desk opening the drawer to see my schedule. My jaw dropped to see what time we even started. "8:30 pm?! Oiiii." I sighed.
Ichiro laughed at me. "Its not that bad. We have three classes each."
"I'm a first year. Basically a freshman and we are starting in the middle of the school year. That's so embarrassing." I mumbled and laid the papers on my desk. I looked into the chest at the end of my bed and took out my katana. "I need to go use this."
My brother watched me leave and he smirked going to get his. "Imouto! (Little sister) Wait for me."
I went out to the backyard. Oji (Uncle) had went inside chuckling at us. We never changed and he was happy for that. I unsheathed my katana and swung it quickly meeting my brothers. Small sparks danced across our blades when they touched making a hissing sound. We did our training and for once, I was able to kick his ass. I put the end of my blade to his neck.
"I win ani. (Older brother)" I smirked and he chuckled.
"Good job. You finally beat me." Ichiro stood after I moved aside.
"Urusai. (Shut up) You're mean. I'm glad you lost this time." I tucked my katana into its sheathe and so did he.
"Hehe. Gaki. (Brat) Get used to victory. I won't hold back next time." He smirked.
I playfully shoved him into the doorway as we headed inside. We laughed and set our swords against the bookshelf.
"Kneel at the table you two. You two start school tonight." Katsuro spoke up. Dinner was placed down on the Chabudai. We knelt down on our zabutons seiza-style and put our hands together.
"Itadakimasu!" The three of us chanted before we started eating. We were raised in the traditional Japanese ways which in terms, was very formal.
After we ate and cleaned up the table washing our own dishes, me and Ichiro parted to our rooms and changed into our uniforms then brushed our teeth. His fixed his hair while I just left mine how it was. I picked up my paperwork and tucked it into my black randoseru based backpack. I slipped the strap over one arm and waited by the front door for Ichiro. He went to my side once he was ready. Uncle drove us to school. I looked out the window at the giant academy. Ryōtei High School. Oh boy. New school. My stomach started hurting from how nervous I was getting.
"Good luck today. I'll pick you up around two in the morning." Uncle Katsuro was very happy for us attending school. Me and ani on the othe@r hand, weren't happy.
My older brother walked me to my class first. "You got this imouto. I love you." He kissed my head and headed to his class. Lucky 3rd Year. I looked at my classroom and walked inside slowly. A white haired male had brushed passed me and he turned slowly, his red eyes looked into mine. I froze and looked away before taking a seat. No boys. Focus on classes. Little did I know. He sat next to me. I did my best to not look at him.
Our class be rung and our teacher walked in. "Konbanwa." She spoke up and bowed to the class. We repeated it and bowed our heads respectfully. "I'd like to proudly announce that we have a new student."
I sunk into my seat and she gestured for me to come to the front of the class. I did as she said and stood their looking at all their new, unfamiliar faces. That white haired guy was looking at me to.
"Uh.. I'm Haruka Michaelis.. I'm from Kyoto and I'm sixteen years old. Nice to meet you all." I bowed respectfully and they greeted me before I went back to my seat. Phew. That was over. I felt the red-eyed gaze on me and turned to look at him. He raised an eyebrow and a gave a small smile. I smiled back and looked at the board.
"Subaru. What's the answer to the next question?" Mrs. Takahashi spoke up.
That white haired boy looked at the board and furrowed his brows. "Uhhhh."
"Exactly. Pay attention." She snapped.
Subaru. That's his name. I noticed him slump back into his chair as he did his work. I turned to my own and wrote down the notes in hiragana.
The first hour if class went by fast and we had a ten minute break. I stood and went out of the class. I went to the restroom and fixed my hair before just standing outside the classroom for fresh air. I crossed my arms and looked up at the ceiling. Little did I know, my brother was sneaking up from the side. He quickly grabbed me and I let out a small yelp in surprise and softly hit his arm.
"What the hell Ichiro!" I snapped and sunk to the floor with my hand against my chest. It was racing from me getting scared. I saw Subaru from the corner of my eye, he looked a bit disappointed and his fists were clenched. Was he mad about my brother scaring me? I shook away the thought and stood once my heart calmed down.
"Shit. I have to head back. Teacher only gave us eight minutes. Bye sis." He smiled and took off down the hall. I rolled my eyes and the white haired male moved from where he was. I looked over and didn't see him there anymore. Huh? He was just there.
"That was your brother?" He spoke from behind me and I jumped getting scared again. Shit.
"Y-yeah. That was." I turned around and looked at him. His eyes were very red. I like it.
"He didn't have to do that to you." Subaru crossed his arms.
"Me and him are playful.. It totally okay."
"Yeah." He walked passed me back into class. I stood there for a moment then walked back in myself. I took my seat and class started up once more. When it ended, I had history next.. That class's two hours flew by fast. My last class was PE. To my surprise, Subaru was there too. I followed the girls to the changing room and changed into my uniform gym shorts and tank top. I changed my shoes as well and walked out pulling up my long black hair into a ponytail.
We started out with stretches and went for a run around the basketball courts. The cold air was soothing against my skin. I enjoyed it. I might like being at night school. Subaru ran to my side and looked ahead.
"Your name is Haruka.. Right?" He asked and his red eyes met mine.
"Yeah. It is. You're Subaru?" I knew his name but wanted to make sure it was fully correct.
"Aa. I'm Subaru." He looked ahead and we finished the laps together. Our teacher let us play some sports. It was an easy night I suppose. Me and Subaru played 1 on 1 basketball. I was winning but it seems he was letting me. Men. It then came to mind about my win against my brother. Did he let me win? I should interrogate my brother after school now. While I was lost in thought, I didn't notice another student's ball coming at me. I stumbled back and noticed a figure step in front of me, hitting the ball back to them. Subaru.. He turned and grabbed me so I wouldn't fall.
"Pay attention." He said in a deep tone.
"I... I will. Arigatō. (Thank you.)" I bowed to him respectfully.
"Tch. No need to do that. Don't be a pain." He scoffed and moved some of his bangs that covered his right eye.
I nodded and stood up.
Our teacher dismissed class and I changed back into my clothes. I grabbed my backpack and tucked my gym stuff into the locker. I walked out of the locker room and headed to the front of the school. My brother was waiting for me. I ran up to him and hugged him. He smiled and hugged back. I looked around and spotted Subaru with five other boys getting into a limo. He's rich? He saw me looking and did a small wave before he got in. My cheeks flushed a pink and I cleared my throat, half dragging my brother away from the school. Our uncle wasn't here yet so we just decided to walk. Ichiro knew where to go so I followed behind him. My legs hurt from PE class and I was struggling to keep up. We walked passed a mansion's giant front gate. I couldn't help but stop and look at it. It was very pretty and huge. I wondered who lived there.
"Haru. Come on." Ichiro snapped. He seemed angry that our uncle didn't pick us up. I hunched my shoulders and started to walk again.
"Ani. My legs hurt." I pouted and slumped to the floor.
"Tch. Baka~. Come on. We aren't even home yet."
"My legs hurt!" I was starting to throw my tantrum at him. "Let's take a break. We walked far already." We actually did. Its been twenty minutes of walking from school so far. He eventually just nodded and stood there letting me rest my legs. I looked around again curiously and I spotted that same limousine outside that mansion. Wait.. Does Subaru live here?  twig snapped nearby and I jumped up quickly. Ichiro pulled put his collapsible silver sword and extended it.
"Sis. Take yours out. Something is out there. Smell it?" Ichiro mumbled and wrapped his bandana over his nose and mouth.
He's right. I did smell it. It was a foul smell. Very revolting.
I retrieved my bandana and wrapped it over the lower half of my face before drawing out my collapsible sword. I stuck by my brother as we started to walk again. Mist started to form and three level E vampires darted at us. Ichiro flicked his blade and swung it, slashing two into ash. The last one aimed for me..
I didn't know Subaru and another person were even watching as I charged forward dodging the rouge vampire's attack. I swung my blade slicing up the man's chest turning him to ash. I froze once I saw him die and dropped the sword, trembling. Ichiro ran to my side.
"Good job. Killed your first vampire." He teased and I slumped to the floor looking at the ash pile. "Come on. He wasn't even alive to begin with." He scoffed and put the sword away. "You disappoint me." He turned and walked away from me, leaving me with the dead vampires.
I killed a vampire.... I was still shaking but I stood up putting my own sword away. Ichiro was still in my sight and I slowly followed. I kept my bandana on to keep my face hidden. I turned to look around only to meet the red eyed gaze of Subaru. He was quiet and a blue eyed male was at his side. Did he see? I didn't even want to bare the thought of him knowing what I was raised as. I walked faster breaking out into a rum to catch up with my brother. We finally got home and I went straight to bed after doing homework. I can't believe I did that.
I was about to close my eyes before I heard a commotion going on in the living room. I slowly stood and crept from my room toward the top of the staircase to see my uncle and brother arguing. My brother snapped and pinned Katsuro against the wall.
"You brought us into a town with vampires. You're lucky we used our training to kill them!"
"They are called Level E's. Failed vampires. Crazy. It was a good test for you two. It showed me you're real hunters." Our uncle defended himself. "Trust me. I know you two couldn't get killed. You're strong. Both you and your sister. I met some people... I'm going to have your sister stay with them while me and you hunt. I need to train you more."
"What about Haruka? She's a hunter too!" Ichiro raised his voice.
"She's given up, if you remember. She wanted to focus on her studies. I'm honoring that. She can keep her weapons but I won't allow her to hunt with us. I'll tell her to pack her things in the morning. Just essentials that she will need. She can't live in this house if its not peaceful enough for her to learn." Katsuro pulled away from my brother and narrowed his eyes.
I couldn't believe what I heard. I can't stay here anymore? He's giving me up? Why??? Who's he sending me too? I slowly went back to my room and slid the door closed. I looked around my room and frowned. I have to leave my brother and uncle because I'm not a hunter? Tears burned my eyes but I didn't dare let them escape. I went to sleep and when the sun shown through the window, I heard a knock on the wall outside my room. I opened my eyes and sat up. "Yeah?"
Katsuro walked in after sliding the door open. "I want you to meet someone. I know you want to study more than hunt. Follow me."
I slowly stood and looked down to notice I haven't changed from my uniform. I quickly tossed the bandana aside and followed uncle downstairs.
A man with dark purple hair and light at the tips was seated on the couch. He pushed up his glasses and his eyes looked at me. I froze by his gaze. His eyes were enchanting. I looked away and then to my uncle.
"Oji... Does he know?" I whispered and he shook his head.
"I didn't tell him about us. Keep it quiet as well." He whispered back and nudge me forward. "This is Reiji Sakamaki. He's going to be taking you in. I met his father and we connected. Its why I drove us out here from Kyoto. Reiji." He turned to the man. "This is my niece, Haruka."
He stood and walked over to me taking my hand in his. "Pleasure to meet you." Reiji kissed the back of my hand making me blush a little. "I live with my brother and half brothers. I hope you'll enjoy our company."
"Uh.... Oji... What if I don't want to leave you guys?" I moved my hand out of Reiji's and my brother came inside from being in the backyard. He gave the guest a dirty look and looked at our uncle.
"You have to. I'll let you visit. Reiji can bring you by anytime. I'm not keeping you away from your brother or me."
"D-Demo... I...." I couldn't bring myself to leave with this man. I didn't know him at all.
"Go Haru.." Ichiro spoke up. "I'll visit you. If any of those brothers touch you. Let me know." He shot a warning glance at Reiji. His blue eyes were sharp like daggers. It made me cringe to see how defensive he was of me. I didn't mind but he scared me sometimes.
"I'll make sure they keep their distance.. She's in good hands, I promise you. No need to start anything." Reiji backfired his own sharp gaze. Tension was rising. I was feeling through the two's looks.
"Okay. That is straightened out. Haru-chan. Go pack." Katsuro nudged me to my room. I looked to the floor and Ichiro followed me.
"Hey. Don't be upset. We will see each other at school. We aren't fully separated. Besides.... If anyone takes you from me... I'll cut them down." Ichiro spoke up and helped me put my stuff in the suitcase. "Keep your katana close.. I don't trust this Sakamaki person. Do call me if anything happens. I'll be there in a heartbeat."
"Hai... Uhh.... Ani." I looked at him.
"Yes?" He returned his gaze to mine.
"Be careful. You worry for me but I should worry for you too." I hugged him and he laughed a little before tightening his hug.
"I'll be fine." We pulled away and he helped me bring my stuff out to the limousine. That same limo.... I stood and gawked at it for a bit then recognized Reiji who was getting in with Subaru. They're brothers?
"Never rode in a limousine?" Reiji looked at me and my brother put my bags in the trunk.
"N-No. I haven't." I met his eyes. Light red.. So pretty. I turned to my Uncle Katsuro and gave him a hug.
"Be careful, little lamb." He kissed the top of my head and I closed my eyes hugging him tighter. "Don't be a stranger."
"I won't. I promise." I let him go then hugged my brother.
"I'll see you at school, ani." I smiled and he kissed my cheek.
"Likewise, Haru-chan." He winked and I giggled before walking over to the limo and getting in. My mind went blank and golden eyes flashed through my mind. What the.... Reiji shook my uncle's hand and got in after me. When the door closed, it started to pull away from the house. I sat quietly not bothering to look at the man that was in here with me. He had a strange aura to him. I couldn't quiet figure out what it was. I was trying to figure out who's gold eyes were watching me. It was a bit terrifying. It wasn't that long of a drive but I looked out the window to see the car pull into a large gate. I spotted the mansion. I've seen this place. Last night. The vampires attacked me and Ichiro here. The limo stopped and Reiji was out first. He held out a hand for me and I hesitantly took it, getting out.
"Your new home." He spoke up and the driver opened the trunk taking my bags and the narrow box that held my katana. "I'll show you to your room."
I nodded and followed the tall man inside, the driver followed with my things. I looked at the floor. The place was very breathtaking. I walked up the stairs after Reiji and he turned going down the corridor eventually stopping. He opened the door and gestured me to go inside. I did as he wanted and walked into it. It was already furnished. Very nicely too.
The driver set my things on the bed before walking out.
"Unpack and join us in the living room. I must introduce my brothers." Reiji closed the door leaving me alone. I chewed on my bottom lip and started to put my clothes in the dresser drawers, hanging up my uniforms in the process. I slid my katana, in its box, under my bed. Everything else was easy to put away. I laid my backpack by the desk and hid my bandana in the desk drawer.
I walked out of the room and nearly bumped into the someone. The person grabbed my shoulders and I froze looking up. Familiar red eyes looked down at me. Subaru.
"Haruka?" His eyes widened and his grip on my shoulders tightened a little. "What are you doing here?"
"My Uncle Katsuro gave me over to Reiji. He wanted me to stay somewhere else. Personal stuff." I looked away.
"You're not hurt are you?" He asked and brushed my hair back from my neck observing me.
"Wha-What are you doing?" I backed up bumping into the wall.
"Just looking." He turned and walked to the staircase. "Come."
I followed and looked down at the steps as I descended from them. We entered the living room and it was filled with five boys. Subaru made me sit in a chair away from the others then stood next to the chair.
Reiji spoke up, breaking the silence. "I see you know Subaru already."
"Uh hai... I have classes with him." I rubbed my arm and looked at the other boys. They were all charming.
"Well that's good. The boy with earphones is my blood brother, Shu. " I looked to who he mentioned. "The one next to him with the bear is Kanato. Next is Laito." That man tilted his fedora to me. "Last one is Ayato. Boys. Treat her with respect or I'll have to punish you all. Don't make me do that."
The small introduction was dismissed and I said hi to each brother.
"Breakfast will be served shortly." Reiji mentioned before walking to the kitchen.
"Come with me." Subaru grabbed my wrist starting to walk. "I'll give you a tour." I nodded and we spent the time walking around the mansion. It was big. He showed me the library, the music room, the pool and the dining room. I was also able to see which bedroom belonged to each boy.
We finished up the tour and ate breakfast as, basically, a family would. I can tell each brother was not close at all. The table was completely quiet.
Time flew by after that and soon enough it was time for school. I made myself presentable and walked out with the six boys, getting into the limousine. Laito wouldn't stop staring at me. He had a look of hunger in his eyes which made me pretty creeped out. I was glad Subaru was next to me. He made me feel comfortable.
We arrived and all of use parted ways. Shu and Reiji went one way; Laito, Ayato and Kanato went another and then me and Subaru walked a different direction. Are they different years? I couldn't help but wonder.
"Imouto!!!" I heard someone say little sister and I looked around. Subaru seemed to tense. "Haru!" My eyes landed on my brother. I smiled and ran to him giving him a big hug.
"Ichiro. I'm happy to see you." I smiled and looked at Subaru. "Come here." The white haired male seemed hesitant but he walked over. "This is my big brother, Ichiro. Ani..this is Subaru."
My brothers blue eyes met his red ones. I felt that same tension again. Does my brother really hate these guys? He doesn't know them yet. Neither do I, but I kind of know Subaru.
"Haruka. Let's go." The white haired male turned away. Ichiro whispered in my ear saying to be careful. I nodded and followed my friend. "Your brother doesn't like me."
"Don't worry about it. He doesn't really like anyone." I shrugged and we entered class, falling silent. It went by quickly I suppose. I was walking to my history class when a figure stopped in front of me. Laito. I recognized him because of his fedora.
"Hello, Bitch-chan." He smirked and his eyes of emerald seemed to explore my body.
"Tch. Don't call me Bitch-chan. I have a name..." My cheeks instantly flushed when I noticed him checking me out. "St... Stop looking at like that." I lightly shoved him back. What a pervert.
He chuckled and fixed his fedora. "I'm sorry. You just look very beautiful." He pushed me against the wall and I looked around to see if anyone was around to even help me out here. No one.
"Do you always do this to people you don't know?" I snapped and narrowed my silver eyes. "Back off." I shoved him again. All he did was chuckle.
"I do like them feisty. I wonder if you taste good too." He advanced and gripped one my thighs. I gasped in surprise and my eyes widened to see his mouth open, baring fangs. V... Vampire. I pulled away and stumbled back hitting the floor. He was about to bite my thigh before someone yanked him back, throwing him to the floor. I was frozen in my place at what I just saw. I'm living with.... Vampires?? Are they all like this? My mind was going in all sorts of directions. Subaru reached down and pulled me to my feet.
"Sorry about him." He said and I looked at him, backing away slowly.
"A... Are you all.... Are you one too?" I stuttered over my words and he pulled me close wrapping his arms around me.
"Yes. We are pure bloods." He whispered by my ear. "I won't let them harm you. Trust me on that. I'll take you to class." He grabbed my wrist and half dragged me to my history class. I looked back to see that Laito had vanished. Oh boy. What did my uncle think, sending me to a house full of pure bloods? Is this some sort of test to?
I sure hope it wasn't. I don't think I deserve being guilty of killing six vampires who seem to be very well known. I'll keep this to myself though.. Vampires did scare me but now I am understanding why Ichiro looked at them in such a rude way. Maybe he knows? Or he just feels it? What about those golden eyes? I wonder who that was. Is he a vampire too?
I don't know but I hope these boys try anything on me. I got lucky with Laito tonight thanks to Subaru but... I doubt he'll be able to always be there for me. I should be prepared for whatever comes my way. No way am I letting vampires sink their teeth in me. The thought of it made me sick to my stomach. You got this Haruka. You're strong. You've always been strong.. I can get through this.
I hope..
End of the first chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. I wanted to put a lot of depth into this. Stay tuned for chapter 2. :D

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