Little Bite Size Alois's!

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(Claude) Who exactly was the magician man?
Alois's POV
-Later that evening-
I sat on the bed that YN slept on, staring at her intently, wondering whether or not she would wake soon. I reached out to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear before a hand smacked it away.
"Yo, no touchin' the munchkin." YN's Aunt said as she then pushed YN's shoulder to wake her.
I furrowed my eyebrows, "I thought you said no touching her!"
"Okay," She said and gave me a glare. "Let me rephrase it, only I can-"
"Who dares disturb my sleep!" The named girl sat up and glared at the two of us. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my butt and I was sent flying off the bed. "Don't wake me again!" I watched as YN dove back under the covers. I opened my mouth to protest before the bedroom door burst open.
"We heard screaming." I looked to Ciel with a deadpan look. Getting up I hopped onto the bed and onto YN. She screamed, or groaned- It was hard hear what sound she was making with her face smooshed into a pillow.
"Lord Trancy!" Sebastian yelled.
I tickled at YN's sides and I could feel her struggle to get away. "Alois Trancy once I break away from my cocoon I will chop you up into tiny little bite size Alois's!" Her muffled threat didn't phase me in the slightest.
"That is if you get out of my tickle trap!" I yelled back and continued to tickle her. I could hear her laugh and heave under the covers. Pausing, she then flipped us both over onto the floor. YN was laying onto of me but was wrapped up in a blanket so I couldn't see her at all. She then wiggled off of me and towards the Phantomhive butler.
"Save me! Sebastian!" She hid behind his legs and glared at me through the small hole in the blanket.
All of a sudden, YN's Aunt started laughing like crazy and she excused herself. When she left Ciel gave me a look, "What the bloody hell?! You don't just jump on someone!"
"It was harmless fun!" I shot back.
"Was not! Apologize Trancy, you could have hurt-" Ciel started turn red from how upset he was. We only knew this girl for two days, and already he felt this much infatuation towards her? Weird.
"Hey!" YN yelled from her cocoon behind Sebastian. "He was just playing around, no need to yell at him." Ciel backed off and I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Hey could everyone get out so I can properly function?" YN said.
We all did as told and stepped out of the room. Our butler mentioned something about our beds and how they were going to go prepare it blah blah. All the while, Ciel and I walked towards the living room to talk. Sitting on the couch we both glared at one another.
"Blonde brat." Ciel shot at me.
I chuckled, "You're one to talk, Phantomhive! To think, you'd forget about your fiancé and fall for a girl that isn't even from your world, not to mention that you hardly know her!" His eyes widened and a small growl escaped his lips.
"I have not fallen for that little weakling! Nor have I forgotten about Elizabeth. You seemed to be very cozy with YN back there, no?" Ciel barked back at me and I could feel anger rise up in my chest. How dare he speak to me like that?!
"YN is nothing but- oh, what word would you use? A pawn. I'm simply using her to have a place to eat and sleep." Neither of us held back our glares and there was more tension in the air than before.
"Is that really how you guys feel?" We both turned to see YN standing there in pajamas. Her h/c hair was a mess and she had a hurt look on her face. Ciel and I stood up, looking at her with sympathy.
"YN, please don't cry." Ciel pleaded and took a step towards her. She look at him with a confused face.
"Cry?" She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at the two of us. "Why in the hell would I cry? I'm not some pansy who cries because someone's acting like a faker. In fact, it's not worth it. You two cowards aren't worth crying over." I winced a bit, feeling the guilt that hurt my friend.
"YN, I'm sorry." I said. Instead of saying anything she turned on her heel and grabbed the nearest vase. Oh no, I thought, she isn't...YN turned and threw the vase toward Ciel and I. She is.
It shattered against the wall and she then strode upstairs. "You guys know where your rooms are. Goodnight."
Everything fell silent and we both stood there. YN's Aunt and our butlers came into the living room looking at us like we had just murdered someone. "Did you make her mad?" She said and we nodded. "Did you try to apologize?" We nodded again. "Okay just give her time to cool off and then-" YN's Aunt was cut off when she heard something else break.
"Boys are so stupid!" YN's muffled shriek echoed through the house.
"Young Master," Sebastian turned to his charge. "What exactly did you say to Miss YN?"
Ciel looked at me and I looked back, for once, we both agreed that we messed up. He finally spoke, "Alois and I were arguing-"
"Which you started." I clarified.
"And we both seemingly insulted her." Now both butlers were looking at us like we both messed up bad.
"The best thing you two can do now is go apologize, YN is being kind enough to let us stay here. I'm shocked Young Master, I held you at higher standards then this." Sebastian said and I snickered.
"Yeah," I mumbled. "A higher standard on his list to eat." I then moved past Claude and walked upstairs.
"Well, while Ciel is sitting there I'll be up here apologizing to YN." He furrowed his eyebrows and followed me.
Well, here goes nothing. YN is one hell of a scary human.
Sorry if this sucked, it was rushed and I have a huge headache! Well, let's see what happens to Ciel and Alois when they apologize to YN next chapter! Haha, well if you guys keep up with any of my other stories I'll be updating those soon.
Love you all.

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