After School Walk

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(Kayrae's POV)

I was sitting there, at my desk, watching the clock tick by time. I wanted the day to be over with. We had just set with finals before the school year ends. Today was the last day of school. I couldn't wait for the summer time. I felt so cozy in my short, pure white shorts and jade green tank top. I was going to walk home after school, change into my bathing suit and swim in our huge built in pool that goes inside and outside. Not to brag but my family, meaning my aunt and myself, were very wealthy. We had a nice house, but mostly used our money to help the poor survive such as India and Africa. I hated seeing the poor suffer more than they should.

The bell rang and I ran down the hallways out the main door to feel the summer breeze hit my face. I started to walk over the interstate bridge when I heard a sudden crash in the woods ahead of me. As curious as I was, I decided to go check it out. I turned my flashlight on from my phone since the sun was going down and since I didn't know where I was exactly going.

I slowly and carefully walked through the woods. I heard a few trees fall to the ground from afar. I quickly but quietly ran towards the sound. I felt an urge of pain on my arms from running into thorn bushes on the way. Because of how clumsy I was, I tripped on a broken tree branch and fell into an open area. I got up, brushed myself off and turned around. Once I looked to see where I was, I saw two giant alien robots fighting. I could tell one of them had red eyes and a scary looking face. Damn he's creepy. He was silver and a slight rustic. Eww. On the contrary, the other robot had pierce blue eyes with a reasoning face that really didn't show much expression as it seemed he was wearing a face mask of some sort.

I screamed when I was picked up by the red eyed one and tossed into the air like I was nothing. I was ready for the pain that would occur once I hit the Earthy ground. Though I never felt the pain. I only felt a cold, metallic object catch me from underneath. I looked up to see the blue eyed robot. I felt like I could trust him, though I didn't know him.

"Why so protective of the fleshlings on this planet Prime?" The silver one asked mischievously.

"Rude much!" I muttered. The blue and red one looked down at me then back at the opponent.

"Because every species has a right to choose for their own." He said. His deep voice was kinda hot. Wait, what was I thinking. I tightened my grasp on the metallic hand that caught me. Ready for some kind of impact. Instead, the nice robot placed me on his shoulder before talking into an ear piece.

"Ratchet, for a ground bridge." I was confused on what a ground bridge was. I looked down at the robot before seeing a bright blue light behind me. I motioned myself to see what it was. It looked like a black hole swirling clockwise instead of counter clockwise. I nearly fell backwards as the nice red and blue robot started to walk towards the ground bridge or what ever it was called.

"You're so weak Prime. That is why you will lose one day." The evil robot behind us said. I smirked before setting brought blue colors all around me and the huge robot. Out of no where, the light disappear and I only see soldier, military soldiers to he exact, and twelve more robots.

"Where am I?" I asked in a whispered voice. The robot set me down and I nodded at him. Two soldiers walked up to me and examined my presence. They seemed kinda familiar. Oh my god.

"Will? Epps? The hell?" I hugged them and we laughed together. I looked back at them before asking where I was once again.

"Where am I?" They smiled.

"Welcome to NEST!" Epps greeted. I looked around in whoa. I couldn't believe I was in an actual military base.

/first chapter. Hope its a good one//

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