Truth of the Past

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We've been driving about an hour or so. We still haven't arrived to even the exit of Jasper, Nevada yet. It was dark and the only bright lights you could really see, were Optimus's head lights and the bright full moon. I was listening to the radio as Optimus was driving. My favorite slow song came on and I started singing to it. (Sorry I don't really know the begining so I'll start at the chorus)

Cause its too cold, for you here. And now

So let me hold your hands in the holes of my sweater....

Cause its too cold, for you here, and now.

So let me hold both your hands in the holes of my sweater.

Whoa-a-oh, whoa-a-a-a-a-a-oh

Whoa-a-oh, whoa-a-a-a-a-a-oh.

Whoa-a-oh, whoa-a-oh, whoa-a-a-a-a-oh. The holes of my sweater (2x's)

Cause its too cold, for you here and now

So let me hold, both your hands in the holes of my sweater.

Cause its too cold, for you here and now

So let me hold, both your hands in the holes of my sweater!

The song ended and I just sat there smiling. That song reminded me of my mother, and how she was always there for me. Now she's gone. I started to cry at the memory of the day of her death. I hated that trucker so much. Worst part about it, my so called father would press charges against him! Fucking idiot killed my mother because he was drunk and driving. I hate him so much.

"You have a beautiful voice Rae. May I ask why you are crying?" I ignored him. I didn't want to let any words about my mother leave my mouth. That was my business. Then again, I needed to tell someone about how and what I was feeling.

"I-I-.... My mother died when I was fourteen. That was two years ago. She was killed in a car crash by a drunk truck driver. My father didn't press charges against the drunk man. He just let him go. That idiot killed my mother. He's still out there. I hate him Optimus! I hate him!" Right then and there I felt strong arms wrap around my shoulders. I jumped backward into the door. I looked up to see a young man who look as if he were about seventeen or eighteen. He has red hair with blue tips and pierce blue eyes. They glowed brightly in the dark. That when I noticed..
"O-Optimus?" He nodded. I started to cry once more. This time instead of resisting, I let Optimus worm his arms around me. I nuzzled into his chest and let the tears role down my cheeks.

"I'm very sorry to hear that Rae. That is one horrible event that has happened in your life time. I wish there was something I could do." I smiled. He was so gentle and kind. I already knew we were going to get along well.

"There's nothing you can do Optimus. By the way, how are you human?" I asked curiously.
He just chuckled.

"This is my holoform. It allows us to blend in with your kind. That way we don't have to no cooped up in the base all the time." He explained. I nodded in understatement.

We finally arrived To my aunts house. I nearly fell getting out of the passenger side door, but Optimus' holoform caught me. I smiled before walking up to the door. I bent down to grab the spare key that was always hidden under the door mat, and unlocked the door. I walked in to see a certain and very worried aunt.

"Where the hell have you been?!" She yelled.

"I-I uh-" I began.

"I'm very sorry, it was my fault. I kept her out too late." It was Optimus. What the hell was he doing? My aunt might not approve of this.

"Well well well. Rae, you never told me you had a boyfriend." My aunt stated. I began to blush.

"No, he's not my boyfriend. We just go to the same school and I was walking home and he stopped by and picked me up then took me to dinner, that's why I was late." I explained as fast as I could.

"So he took you on a date then." I rolled my eyes.

"Well something like that." Optimus replied for me. I nudged him telling him to shut up.

"What's your name son?" She asked Optimus.

"Pax, Orion Pax. What about yourself ma'am?" Who the hell is Orion Pax? What kind of name is that? It sounded very unique. I kinda liked it.

"Lucy. You can't call me Lucy. I don't like being called ma'am. It makes me feel old." My aunt demanded. I laughed.

"So aunt Lucy, Orion and I were wondering, since it's our senior year, some friends wanted us to join then in on a camping trip outside of Jasper. If that was okay with you if I could go?" I asked nicely with a huge smile on my face.

"As long as Orion here, promises to protect you, then I'm fine with that." She said. I sighed in relief, thinking she was going to deny my request.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you. I'll just go get packed." I said before running upstairs to fill my suitcase with everything I needed. Including: clothes, makeup, blankets, pillows, and of course, pictures of my family. I also grabbed my phone and charger before running down stairs with two suitcases.

"So I'll see you soon aunt Lucy. Thanks again for allowing me to go. I love you. Good bye." And with that, I entered Optimus and we were off headed back to base.

//no need to really say much but okay.. Bye//-kaylee

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