New Home

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Chapter 1: Charming

"Bitch! Come back here!" The older man yank Elsa hair, bringing her face close to him. Looking at the weak face of Elsa, he push her down to his knees. "Open up" he barked making her flinched.

Elsa shook her head and back up. Fuming flame burning inside him because his needs has not been fulfilled he slapped her across the face making her fell to the wooden floor.

"Get the fucking up." He hissed in her ears, pulling her hair. Elsa couldn't fight him, he was too strong and she was too weak. "Please... Da-" she mumbles before he slap her again, pulling her up to his face.

"I'm not your fucking father. That stupid bitch know that i don't want kids, but she never listened. Now, let me teach you a lesson that you'll never forget." He unbuckle his belt, looping in one of his hand. "Take off your clothes" he barked.

Elsa shook her head, slowly backed and lean on the wall. She knew what she's getting whenever she didn't obey his orders. Slap, spank and rape. "Dad, please... Stop..." She plead, terrified written on her face only to make her old man laughed loudly.

He whip his belt onto her exposed skin, making Elsa screams in pain. "I AM NOT YOUR FATHER!" He shouted before tearing her clothes, only to expose her upper body naked before whipping her back repeatedly before raping her.

After few more round, he finally stopped. "You are always better than the other bitch" he hiss in her ears before locking the door behind him leaving Elsa alone sobbing in the empty dirty bed.

Hours later, she cleaned and patch herself up. Like she always do. Looking at the mirror in the bathroom, she look horrid, sick and broken. She cared about her father, but ever since she've turned 12 her father changed. He become an addiction, an alcoholic and an abusive towards her.

She slowly climb down the stairs to see her father in the dark living room with the tv turned on. She also saw the needle trey beside the coffee table. 'He's using it again' she thought fear rushing through her vain. She quickly and slowly climb up the stairs into her room.

Taking out a duffel bag, she quickly shove any clothes she have in it. Glancing through the door from time to time, she hurriedly shoving the money she had hidden from him.The stairs sounded as her father climbing up the stairs. She quickly zip the duffel bag and hid it near before her father could find it.

Elsa's door opened, stood there is her high father wanting another round at her. "Oh your knees" he barked, Elsa didn't obeyed. He was furious and slap her across the face. Blood slipping on the end of her mouth.

"Dad, you are too-" he slaps her again before she could finished. "Don't ever call me fucking 'dad'" he hold her shoulder forcefully making her hard to escape. Using her last strength, she push her father where he had landed on the wooden floor.

She quickly grab her duffel bag and ran down the stairs. He father went to his room and took a gun that he had stash in the cupboard, chasing her down. She tried to open the front door which have many locks. Panicking, she hardly get the second lock.

"Where do you think you're fucking going?!" He now standing on the staircase, slowly climbing one by one laughing at Elsa. "You think you can get away that fucking easy bitch?" He lock in his gun as Elsa is on the last lock.

Elsa quickly unlock the last lock but keep missing as she panicked. "You are making the wrong decision" he taunt her before taking another step. Finally she unlock the door, turning the knob and opens the door.

Intimidated, he misstepped one of the baby stairs and tumbled down with the gun being shot. Elsa quickly duck but hastily running from the house without looking back. She's finally escape from the black hole.

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