Chapter 8

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Harry's P.O.V

My Heart broke after what Mary told me what Jake done. I admit i was pissed.

I ran back in the house to find Mary but i don't know where she went.

"Mary" i yelled but no answer.

I began to look everywhere, in the bathroom, my room, my parents room, my sister room but i couldn't find her any where.

I made me a glass of water to calm me down but it wasn't working.

I yelled Mary's name and i threw my glass at the closet door i was truly pissed.

I heard something in the closet it sounded like heavy breathing.

I made my way to the closet and i opened the door slowly i turned on the light and down on the floor their was Mary sitting with her knees pulled up to her chest and crying.

When Mary looked at me her face  showed nothing but fear.

*Mary's P.O.V*

Harry found me and i was scared.

He looked down at me and my heart began to race.

Harry pl-plea---please don't hurt me harry i'm sorry just please don't hurt me i will go back to my dad and i will stay out of your life. Harry i swear but please don't hurt me.

"Mary i am not going to hurt you Mary why are you even thinking that?" Harry said.

He was waiting for a reply but i couldn't do anything but burst into tears.

"It's okay Mary lets get out of the closet".

Harry reached out a hand for me but i couldn't do anything but flinch.

"Mary please" he said softly.

I grabbed his hand and he helped me up. We went to the living room and sat on the sofa.

"Mary please tell me why did you run from me?"

"Harry don't know".

"Mary please be honest."

"Harry okay i ran away because  you yelled at me".

"Mary so you ran away because i yelled at you  i yell at everyone sometimes and they don't run why did u do that"?

Harry because every time you  use to yell at me at school it use to come with hits so i had to get away before you could hit me.

Mary i am so sorry i didn't mean to be so rude to you i was an asshole to you because i like you and i had a dickish way of showing it Mary please forgive me. I don't want you to go back to your dad because he hurts you Mary and he does thing that is against the law like he sell you and i don't want you to live that life i want you to stay with me Mary and For Jake I will handle  him i will make sure he wont even do that to you or even be around you Mary.

" Harry thanks but i'm use to getting hurt so my life is what people choose it to be.

No Mary don't let them do that.

Harry i live a life where people are so judgemental and who loves to hurt the poor girl that is always going through hell.

No No No Mary stop please don't allow them to do this Mary please.

I looked harry in the eyes he looked sad.

I hugged him.

Harry let's talk about this in the morning i am sleepy.

Okay Mary her sadly replied. 

We made our way up stairs and put on our pajamas.

Me and harry laid down.

"Goodnight Mary" harry softly said.

"Goodnight Harry" i replied.

*25 minutes later*

The room was dark and quiet but their was something important i wanted to tell harry.

"Harry" i said.

"Harry" i repeated.

I heard harry lightly snoring.

Uhhhhhh he's asleep i told my self.

I continued to talk even though he couldn't hear me.

"Harry i know your sleep and i know you cant hear me but i just have something important to tell you.

Harry all i wanted to say was.... I LOVE YOU!

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