Chapter 35. Pregnant

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Luke's POV:

I don't really know how to describe how I'm feeling. I'm in shock, if that's the right word for it. I looked at the moon. Thank you moon goddess for this miracle. I put my ear up against her stomach. I used my super hearing and heard another heartbeat. I then heard little kicks. Coco is carrying the strongest heir in existence. A boy or girl I don't mind. Both will be as strong as the other. I then lay back down on the bed. I then closed my eyes and drifted into a dreamless sleep.

Cocos POV:

When I woke up I felt different. As I stretched I suddenly came across my stomach. It was bloated like a balloon. How did this happen. I mean I know I eat a lot but seriously I don't eat that much. Suddenly I felt repetitive thuds against my stomach. I can't believe this. I'm having a baby. Yesterday I didn't have this yesterday. I didn't have an extra pound on me and now I have a baby. This is going to be some rollercoaster.

After around ten attempts I finally got out of bed. I'm downstairs making bacon. Lots and lots of bacon. I'm planning on making pancakes as well. Luke's still in bed and I don't want to wake him.

After making three batches of bacon and a ton of pancakes I stacked them all up on a plate and sat down on the top. Throughout eating I thought if the baby. A boy or girl. When did this happen. What about the moon goddess. Nothing makes any sense right now. After about ten minutes I had finished. I made my way upstairs and to the bedroom.

I put on a pair of joggers with Luke's shirt and my sweater. I tugged at the shirt and sweater as it showed my stomach. It still wouldn't fit. WHY moon goddess why! I mean nothing fits. I then grabbed Luke's sweater to see that it fits better. That's one good thing.

After I had finished getting ready I don't know what for, I added the finishing touches to my hair. When I came back out of the bathroom I was met with Luke. He was wearing a leather jacket with jeans and a dark shirt, I don't know what he did to his hair but oh my goodness I love it. He then embraced me in his arms and put his hands on my stomach.
"I love you to the moon and back." He said whilst smiling at me.
"I love you more." I said whilst leaning up and kissing him on the lips.

We are on our way to the pack doctor to make sure the baby is okay. It's hard to walk and stand in general with a ginormous bump. It's quite a problem for everyday tasks. The doctor had lay me on one of those dentist sort of chairs. After talking for about ten minutes they took a sample of the amniotic fluid in the sack. This is just the fluid in the placenta where the baby is. It hurt when she jabbed me with the syringe though. Then I felt the coolness of the cream. That is cold. Suddenly a picture came up on the screen. It showed a picture of a baby. My baby. Our baby. A baby girl.

Luke's POV:

I think the doctors went well. The doctor took her amniotic fluid and gave her an ultrasound. We found out that we are having a girl. A beautiful girl. I love her already I'm going to spoil her. I will teach her to fight at a young age so she can defend herself. I want to make sure that my baby girl is okay.

Coco is coping well, she's still shocked as am I. We are just a bit dazed. The doctor explained to us that the moon goddess simply speeded up the process and gave us and the child gifts. The doctor should definitely get a raise. I am very thankful. I'm sitting with Coco on the sofa. We have popcorn and are watching all of Cocos favourites. It's hard to put up with. I'll live.

After four movies I realised that it was later. Oops. I quickly grabbed some bacon as Coco lay on the sofa. I turned up the heat to max and after a few minutes I fed her bacon. I love her so much. She's so gorgeous. How can I have got a mate like this.
"I can read your mind you know." She said " and I love you too"
"I love you and our daughter. So so much." I said.

Hey! How are you enjoying the book so far. I am trying my hardest to write longer chapters. I hope you all had a nice Monday or in my case a Moonday 🌙 (If you know where that's from I love you!) Bye guys! See ya!

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