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I woke up from my nap and realized the sun was setting. I got up as quickly as I could and checked the time.

6:53 PM

Wow... Did I really sleep that long? I don't know if that's still considered a nap... Hmm what to do? I doubt Dambi's home so, I guess I'll just go to a restaurant for dinner.

Bekah: "I have a date with Raina today, so good luck!" Ah that's right! Doesn't that mean Jung Ah's home alone right now? Maybe... I can go ask her to come with me!

I was already walking up to the front porch when I realized I had no idea what to say.

"H-hey, Jung Ah. Since Bekah's not around, it's kind of l-lonely eating alone right? Wanna eat dinner together?" Ugh, that's so stupid. Think, Kahi think!

At that moment, the front porch lights went on. I freaked out so bad, I didn't even know where to hide. I saw Jung Ah's shadow behind the curtains and almost had a heart attack. She opened the door and her eyes widened when she saw me.

Me: "J-J-J-Jung Ah! Hi!" Oh my god, what am I doing!?

Jung Ah: "W-what are you doing here?"

Me: "W-would you.. Uh.. You know? Like.. Uh.." Say it, Kahi! You can do it!

Jung Ah: "Know what? No I don't know." Jung Ah was starting to get impatient and it written all over her face. Ugh, Kahi come on! Fighting!

Me: "EAT DINNER WITH ME!" I looked down out of embarrassment. I can't believe I just said that. I want to bury myself in a hole...

Jung Ah: "I already ate." Those words tore my heart and ripped it into a million pieces. She ate dinner already and I was too late.

Me: "O-oh.. Well then, I'm sorry for bothering you." I faked a smile and walked away before she said anything else. I don't want to hear it..

[Jung Ah's POV]

I saw my porch lights going off so I thought Bekah had come home with my dinner. I headed to the door but, I saw Kahi instead.. What is she doing here?

Kahi: "EAT DINNER WITH ME!" W-what? She wants me to eat dinner with her? She just randomly walked up my porch to ask me to eat dinner with her? Well I guess that's what I expect of Kahi.. But it seemed so last minute.. I guess I was just a last resort because Dambi's probably working overtime at that stupid hospital again.

Me: "I already ate." I will not become a last resort. I refuse to become a last resort. If Kahi's not putting me first, then why bother right?

Kahi:  "O-oh.. Well then, I'm sorry for bothering you." I watched Kahi leave. For some reason, she looked really lonely. Maybe I should have just gone with her... I can't believe I'm doing this...

Me: "....K-kahi! Wait!" I shoved my feet into the closest pair of shoes I could find and ran after her.

Me: "I'm actually still kind of hungry.. So can we.. uhm s-still go eat?" At that moment, I saw Kahi's eyes lighting up. I guess this wasn't such a bad idea after all.

Kahi: "Y-yes! Of course we can!!" She grabbed my hand without a second thought and sped walk down the block. I started blushing without even knowing it. I was staring at our intertwined hands while I was being dragged.

[Kahi's POV]

I can't believe it! She actually said okay. If I don't calm down now, who knows what might happen tonight. 

I'm so happy! I'm so happy! I'm so happy! I'm so happy! I'm so happy! I could just fly to the moon right now!

Ah.. I just realized I'm dragging Jung Ah. I slowly stopped and turned around to face her. Jung Ah was panting a bit since she doesn't have much stamina.

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