Chapter 1

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Stuck in Time ~ Rated PG~13

Hey it's @hazzagoing !!!

I'm making a fanfiction because I am very creative and I have no life. So I hope you enjoy Stuck in Time.

"Gwen are you ok? Gwen? Hello?" I could barely hear what Alana was saying. And slowly after that I was drifted to rest. I wake up in the middle of the next day. "Ugh. What, ouch, happened last night?" I ask.

"Oh well. You kinda got carried away a little." Alana said.

"How bad was I?" I say immediately knowing she meant I was drunk.

"Well you danced on the pool table, broke your heel shoes, fell and I swear I thought you were in a coma!" She laughs.

We both just sit and laugh about the party. "I must've been really messed up." I say.

"Well I know you had Kyle's attention." Alana answered.

"What?" I half giggled. Half screamed.

Kyle was the quarter back on our schools football team, caption of the wrestling team, and I'm pretty sure he was born 100% sexiness. He's been with me since second grade. Not with me as a boyfriend, but I wished so many days for the sexy guy with the cute ass to be mine.

"He was eyeing you for sure. I wanted him to fall in love with you that night so you guys could have sex but-"

"Alana!" I say cutting her off.

"Well it's true!" She replies.

We laugh again and soon enough she leaves and I fall back asleep dreaming about Kyle in a knight in shining armor and me a delicate princess and he is fighting for my hand with a British boy with (mmmm) green/hazel eyes and curly hair who didn't look bad either. Kyle with a white beautiful horse and the boy with a black horse who didn't have much to offer me. I start tearing up a bit when Kyle runs with his sword to the boys stomach, but the boy doesn't stop there. He stands up and runs over to me takes my hand and says, "I'm sorry love. But if it's meant to be, it's meant to be." And starts to fight again. He and Kyle get off their horses and start to wrestle. Kyle with some bruises and the boy with only a tiny bit more. Kyle looks at me and shouts "Wake up! WAKE UP!" I have a confused look on my face and I wake up to reality.

"Did you really sleep that long?" Alana says. I look at the clock and see it was 10:30.

"Oh my god. That late?" I say.

"Here." Alana says and hands a shoebox towards me.

"What's this?" I ask.

"Me and Marisa went shopping and found you a new pair of heels." Gesturing towards Marisa in the room.

"Thanks guys. Sorry I couldn't come. I wish I could make up for it." I say turning on my other side, pulling the covers over my shoulders and closing my eyes.

"Well you can," Marisa says in the background, "see there's this party tonight that I was invited to and they said to bring their own guest."

And just like that my eyes open wide and I get up and turn my lamp on. "A party?" I ask.

"Yea. It's gonna be fun!" Alana replies.

Marisa was a year above us in college so that meant the people would be older and the party will either be weirder or more mature.

"Why the hell would you guys think that I would want to go to a party after what happened last night?" I say.

"Cuz Kyle will be there." Marisa says.

"You told her?" I question at Alana.

She smiles and shakes her head.

"I promise I won't tell anyone!" Marisa shouts.

The thing is, I trust Marisa with all of my heart. I just kinda wanted to keep it between me and Alana so things don't get out of control. But who knows. Maybe this is good.

I look left and right at Alana and Marisa. "Fine."

I finally say after a long wait.


I arrive 1 hour later to one of the guys houses. I have a navy blue, skinny dress with little rhinestones and rips going down the back. Black mascara and red lipstick and curly hair running down my shoulders. And not to forget the new pair of heels which were black with little pink bows of the straps. To me I thought I looked weird, but to everyone at the party thought I looked sexy. I got compliments from some of the girls and guys. I walk into the kitchen and grab a red SOLO cup and fill some kind of drink into it. I'm counting how many drinks I have so I don't get drunk again.

I stand in the corner of the kitchen admiring Kyle's tux, but mostly his ass.

I can feel myself smirk and soon enough he was on the dance floor. Everybody was dancing except a couple of people and I could even see couples going up the stairs to you know. Probably because people were playing spin the bottle and things got carried away.

I soon enough got on the dance floor and was about a foot away from Kyle. From a foot it became a inch and from and inch it was a centimeter. "Hey." I could hear his dark voice say. "Hey." I say staring into his eyes. More people starting to push and shove but still keeping in contact with his eyes. To my surprise he kept his eye contact on me too. 5 seconds later and I'm off the dance floor and so is he. But problem was he was on the other side of the floor.

"Shit." I murmur to myself.

I walk to the back porch and keep talking.

"You were so close. So close. You even talked. And was giving the sweet eye. How could you leave so fast. Shit, shit, shit, sh- Hey!" I say running into someone.

"Hi. Do you know where a trailer could take me to my campus ground be?" He said.

I did not understand but get where he was going. I must've looked at him weird cuz he took his hand out and shook mine and introduced himself.

"Where are my manners. Harry Styles is the name."

"Gwen," I say, " are you new?"

"Yes. My mum dropped me off yesterday here and I'm just trying to find my way through college."

"Oh. Well, welcome. You'll like it hear. I hope." I didn't mean to sound harsh but, oh who was I kidding. It was all true. People hear think it's all fun and games. The guys all think they can make out with a girl each night, and girls think it's fun. I sure hope to god that Kyle is still a virgin. But this boy seemed different and I liked it. He was mysterious and very handsome. But he had no friends and no real social life.

"Thanks again love." He even had a British accent which was sexy. It was raspy and very very sexy. I couldn't get it out of my mind that night. Even the scenario between me and Kyle.

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