In the future

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"HARRY,DRACO,RON!" screamed Hermione in-sync they replied "WHAT!" Hermione froze for a seconds she mumbled "shit. Guys my water just broke get me to St.Mungos now!" All three men rushed up stairs Draco picked Hermione up bridle style where as Harry and Ron where panicking and Draco shouted at the top of his lungs "for once Potter can you please just stay calm her bag is upstairs put pyjamas T-shirt bottles nappies and every thing you think She will need and just get to the hospital now I'll take Hermione go now!" Draco took some Flu powder to the chimney and shouted Saint Mungo's hospital in a burst of green flames he and Hermione, Harry and Ron made it to Saint mungos and Draco took Hermione into the operating room and the boys had to wait silently. All three boys where pacing up and down the hallway finally Harry said " I think it's my son" in a certain attitude but Draco snapped back by saying "it's not it's mine and no one else's ok!" Then he huffed and carried on pacing then Ron said shyly "well it could be any of ours we don't know so will you two shut up and just wait." He was really fed up of waiting but know one came out of the operating room until two hours later then the doctor said I can say the father is...

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