Back after the war

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"Ahhh" Hermione screamed Ginny came in " what what what!" really excited. Hermione screamed even higher "I'm head girl!!" Both girls screamed in unison and then one by one the hole house came up Arthur said panting " is *gasp* everyone *gasp* ok? *gasp* Ginny replied laughing " yeh except... HERMIONE IS HEAD GIRL!" She started screaming again and Hermione joins in again. Molly said " ok ok calm down. Congratulations Hermione we are so proud of you." Then gave her a big hug Hermione started crying " I wish my parents knew about this it was what they've always wanted for me" sobbing her eyes out Molly replied comforting her " I'm sure they would be very proud of you because we all are proud of you dear come down when your ready for dinner if not I'll bring it up to you ok dear?" Hermione said sniffing " thanks *sniff*" one by one everyone left except Ron. "Hey I knew you would be head girl I'm proud of you Mione." He said in a calm comforting voice. "Thanks Ron but their is something I need to tell you." What is it?" " I'm I'm breaking up with you." There was a cold long silence until Ron spoke up confused and heart broken " why mione I thought you where happy together what's wrong has Ginny said something because if she has-" Hermione snapped back saying " NO RONALD IT WAS MY DESION AND MINE TO MAKE AND STOP THINKING THAT IT WAS SOMEONE ELSES FAULT WHEN IT WAS YOU WHO MADE THE PROBLEM.  AND IT WAS YOU WHO MADE ME STOP LOVING YOU! Good by Ronald see you in class in September." Just like that Hermione flicked her wand and all her clothes and items where packet and then left. Hermione didn't know where to go but for some reason she ended up in the Leaky Cauldron ,she thought for a moment and then booked a room for 3 weeks ( until she goes back to Hogwarts.) She started unpacking when she heard a knock , she hesitantly opened the door, it was Kingsley Shackle-bolt. She greeted him and sat him down. They chatted what seemed to be forever there where a few giggles and chuckles until Kingsley actually said what he came to say " Hermione this year there is a new law stating that all witches and wizards over the age of 16 must forcefully be married and the wife must be pregnant in the first 6 months of marriage yours sincerely Percy Weasley." Hermione was speechless. Then she said tarn back " I-I c-can't believe that someone would do such a thing. W-who a-am I m-marrying?" He replied calmly " I can not say until Hogwarts but good luck miss Granger and congratulations on becoming head girl who is head boy ?" I don't know goodbye Kingsley I'll see you at Hogwarts then" "yes you will miss Granger I will see you soon farewell for now goodbye." And like that he left. Hermione felt a bit upset so she got a dress and some high heels and got ready to go clubbing little did she know it would be catastrophe...

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