Bullying (rant)

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(First of all bullying is a big problem and not your fault in any shape or form.  if you are bullied tell someone)

First thing if you have/are bullying someone just why. I know for a fact that people bully other people because of things that happen to them in their personal lives

This is what I think people are targeted for being/are: sexuality

bullying is NOT in any way COOL and can make people believe the things that you say to them and all in all DO NOT bully anyone if you fell sad or angry. Talk  with words not your fists. If you see anyone being physically,mental or online help then or tell a parent, teacher or if it's really, really bad the police and it will always gets better

Thank you for reading this rant-ey sort if thing if you need advice or tips leave them in the comments
Bye~cornpug xx

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