Half a Heart

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"Did you not just here what I sang to you?..."

he looks to me straight in the eyes, with his interesting mixed colors. I look down, avoiding his stare.

"You're my everything"

He whispers.


I quietly snap..


I repeat, less harsh this time.

"Because your all I need.. your perfection in its-self-"


I huff interrupting him and turning away crossing my arms over my chest.


he says to me softly. I want to believe him but I can't, I don't know how...

"I'm not good enough for you"

a tear slides down my left cheek but I ignore it. I start too quickly walk away leaving him behind. The snow is thicker now which means it's harder to walk through. I hear footsteps behind me and I know he's following.

I know I have a strong love for him but I'm scared.. I'm scared of every possibility that could ever happen.


he calls out for me and every time he does my heart hurts just a bit more.

The snow has gotten deeper. He's not that far behind I know it.

All of the sudden I'm laying in the snow on my side.

I tripped.



he calls again. Fortunately it is snow I fell in and I'm not hurt.

When I turn to lay on my back he is kneeling in front of me. "Steph" he soothes. His eyes full of emotion.

"You alright?"

I just nod in response.

He stares at me for minutes it feels like. Maybe he's expecting me to get up. Wait why haven't I gotten up yet?

But before I can he slowly climbs on top of me, straddling me. My heart instantly speeds up.  I want to kiss him so badly, all I want is him, all I ever wanted was him. My thoughts came to a halt when he collides his surprisingly warm hand with my cheek.

"I love you"

he says leaning closer.

"I love you"

he repeats.

*One month earlier* 

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