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16:42.  Staring through the window, like every main character does. She paused her staring to look at the clock on the wall in the front of the classroom, then pushed her right thumb against the palm of her left hand. She closed her eyes, sighed en looked at her hands. Nothing happened. She stared through the window again. 16: 45 The teacher got mad, said she shouldn't be dreaming in his lessons. She wanted to tell him she was pretty sure she wasn't, but she also didn't want to waste her energy on him. She apologized. Counted her fingers. Ten. 16:50 The bell rang. She went home. Upstairs. Her room.

17:20.  Homework. She opened her Physics Book and looked at it, blinked a few times before she started reading. Half a page. She closed her eyes, and her mind drove slowly away. She opened her eyes to look on the clock, only 17:37. Time is useless. She threw her book in the corner of the room and lay down on the floor. Quiet tears. Answering questions.

Where was she? .....Her room....

Breath in. Closed eyes.

Could this be true? Is this a logical place to be?....Yes....

Breath out.

How did she get here? ....She went to her house and walked upstairs.....

Breath in.

Could this be true? Is this a logical way to come here? .....Yes....

Breath out, single tear.

What was she doing half an hour ago? And after that? ...Cycling home, through the typical Dutch weather, lots of rain. Entering the house, putting on dry clothes and procrastinating her homework....

Breath in, keep calm,

Could this be true? Is this a logical series of events? ... Yes...

Breath out. Open eyes.

Dry her tears, put up some music. Listen until 18:18. Turn off the light, seeing difference. Dinner. Television. First one to be tired. 20:56 Going upstairs. Long shower, brushing teeth, pajamas on. 21: 39 In bed, watching the numbers of the clock change until 21:42.

Put head down, waiting for the sleep to come, waiting for the things to change, the hands to be fuzzy, the fingers to be anything but ten, the answers to be no, the lightswitch to be useless and the clock to fail.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2016 ⏰

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