Chapter 1: The Little Girl

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Aki P.O.V (he's the top left corner of the book cover if u wanted to know XD)

I was seven....from what I could remember from my memories....around that time my parents died...after hearing about it...I didn't cry....I didn't show emotion...I didn't do anything stupid.....I just did nothing...went on with my life. My aunt April took me in, she was the only family I had left, I would hate to be near her when she smokes, the smell of a cigar disgust me. After I awhile I would get used to it, but the smell still sickens me. I would to school by myself though, my aunt didn't mind since I could take care of myself, whenever I'm alone though walking by myself, I think of music, melodies, rhythm.....I close my eyes I hear the noise around me, creating music....I guess that's how I saw everything around me even through my imagination. After being spaced out I would hurry up to my school, I don't want to be late on the first day.

Once school was over I started heading back home until I hear someone crying up ahead, I stop for a moment and listen carefully, "...Is that....a little girl?," I asked myself. I followed the sound as the cry became louder and louder, finally I was in a meadow where u saw the beautiful sunset, but as over look one more time I saw a girl sitting on the ground crying up ahead, what was she doing there by herself? Where's was her parents? I looked around again but so no one else other then her, without hesitation I started to walk over to her. Once I manage to get a good look at her she looked a bit young than me, I saw her foot, and from the looks of it, it was swollen, she must have land on it when she was running or something. I then slowly walking up to her and kneel down, "you ok?, " I asked her, she jumped and look up at me, I didn't know she was that small, she almost look like a baby. "...N-No....", she whimpered, I looked back at her foot an touched her ankle, "owy!," she exclaim, "Did you land on you ankle?", I asked, she nodded to my answer, I gave it some thought giving out my poker face, I could feel her eyes staring at me confusingly. "Ok I have an idea....", I said to her, I carefully helped her put her shoe back onto the swollen leg, "Can u stand on your good leg?, " I asked, she nodded again as I helped her up, I switch my backpack straps to chest so my bag can hang in front of me, "W-What are you doing?," she asked once more, I did answer, instead while she was keeping her balance I turn so she was facing my back and kneel down, "Just jump on my back....," I said to her, I looked back and notice her blushing. But she manage to jump on with all her might and I manage to carry her, she was surprising light, she wrap around her arms around my neck tightly but not too tight, once I manage to get in a comfortable position and started to walk back to the sidewalk. "Ok u think u can tell me where u live? Or can u give me directions?," I asked of her, she was quiet for a min or two but after awhile she gave me directions to her home, and for some reason I knew the apartment she lives in.

After a half hour of walking we finally made it, I walked up the steps and soon realize the girl was fast asleep, well at least she told me the number to her home, once I made it to the top I walk in front of the door and kicked it two times since my hands wear pretty full. The door then suddenly open quickly with a swing, it made me jumped causing the girl to wake up, they was a tall man with blue hair along with a young woman who looked exactly like the girl I carried, "Ushio!!!," they both screamed as they yanked her off my back and gave her the biggest hug I've ever seen, at they moment it somehow made my heart sank yet there was no sadness, it's hard to explain but that was how I felt for the very first time in along time.

Ushio P.O.V(girl at the top right)

My parents hugged me tight as I had a hard time breathing, after a minute they finally loosen there grips and put me down as I landed on my foot, "Ushio, where have you been?! Mommy and daddy have been worried about you!", my mother exclaimed, "B-But mommy I hurt my ankle and this guy help me her-?!," when I turned to asked for his help he sudden vanish. He was gone within a split second, "hey!," I screamed, I jumped to the outside rails and lean over, I saw him walking back on the street leaving, without even thinking I yelled, "THANK YOU!!!!", he then stopped for a minute or two and looked backed at me smiling, his emerald eyes shine as the moonlight gleam the night, he waved to say your welcome and walked again at the end of the next turn of the street, my parents were surprise when they saw him left, but as for me I couldn't help myself but smile, he made me felt warm and happy...but the funny thing about it was...I never got a chance to ask his name.

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