TNT Horror Writing Contest

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I really want to submit a story! But one of the guidelines are that you have to be 18... 

I'm pretty sure I'm just going to write a horror story anyways. I've been thinking of a few ideas that I think would be cool. Lemme know what you think! And if you have any suggestions for anything you want to write, please tell me. 

So if you haven't heard about this contest, TNT Is taking stories to put on the screen. They have to be


Between 1,000 and 10,000 words

In story/book format

Has to have the hashtag #TNTHorrorContest

Seeing that ad made me so happy because they were finallyletting kids get a shot at writing something for TV.  But for some reason, they won't allow kids under 18 participate. That is what I truly don't understand. They know that there are plenty of kids out there who would love this opportunity, and maybe have wanted this opportunity for a while, and got extremely excited when they saw the ad, like I did. The fact that you have to be 18 is really frustrating to me. I know that some kids may enter this contest without their parents knowing. And that if they won, their parents would have no clue. Plus, as a parent, if your child randomly gets thousands of dollars, that's really concerning. They should set different standards so the younger writers(that actually can be way better writers than most adults can) have this opportunity. Plus, to me, any chance to get a child to write a story all on their own and come up with an amazing idea to share with the world is worth taking a shot at.  

Children, who have the most brilliant ideas, tend to throw them out, thinking that they weren't good enough. I know, that's what I did when I was younger. Sometimes, I remember am idea that I came up with when I was really little, and wonder why I ever thought it wasn't good. 

If we give them this little bit extra motivation to improve their writing skills when they're young, it could make a world of a difference. 

Thanks for listening/reading XD

(P.S., if any of you are over 18 and are interested in this contest, it ends on the 27th!)


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