The Death of Remus and Nymphadora Lupin

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A few people have asked for more of the Remus and Nymphadora story so I decided I would write this as a separate story.


It's a bit short, sorry.

Visit the fabulous EmmaViola_Black for the Hungarian translation (Remus ès Nymphadora)


Remus Lupin was duelling Antonin Dolohov when his wife, Nymphadora, ran in.

"Remus!" she cried, firing a spell at a Death Eater.

"Dora! What are you doing here?" yelled Remus, thinking of Teddy, their son, left with his mother-in-law.

"I came to help you!" she replied.

"Teddy!" cried Remus, deflecting Dolohov's curse.

"He'll sleep till dawn and snores like his father," replied Nymphadora.

It happened in a matter of seconds. One moment, Remus was standing alive and well, duelling Dolohov. The next, he flew across the air and hit one of the ruined walls of Hogwarts.

"No!" yelled Nymphadora and she fired a killing curse at Dolohov, hitting him square in the chest.

She ran to Remus' limp figure and collapsed by his side. She felt for a pulse. Nothing. He was gone.

She hugged him and cried into his shoulder. He was gone and would never return. Her son was now fatherless.

She didn't see Bellatrix Lestrange until it was too late. As the curse hit her, she thought of Remus and smiled. They would be together for all of eternity. Teddy would be fine at her mother's and, in time, he would learn how his parents died.

She collapsed on her husband's body. It was all over.

Remus and Nymphadora died as heroes. They died fighting to make the world a better place for their son and everyone else. Their son could be proud of his parents and they could be together.

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