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I followed Cream after she made it to the group of horses. And talked with the others.
I went to ghost and mom.
"Hey mom..." She looked at me as I caught her attention off of Ghost. She walked over to me
"What is it Angel Sugar?"
"Um... You know how dad is at Horse Paradise.. Um...-"
"No.. No that's to far away! No honey you can't.."
"I've been up for sale for a long time.. I want to be free.. Like dad.."
Mom walked up to me and nuzzled me. As ghost stood there confused.
Mom knew how I hated trail rides and being ridden. She knew how I felt. She always did.
Now it's time to see dad. I only knew dad for a little while it was when I was young.. At the age of 1, he left. I didn't know where he went he just disappeared. Mom said he was in a place called; "Pony Paradise".
Since she told me I'd always wanted to go there. I'd wished to be free and happy like him.
I thought of the many things we'd do when we got there. Mom was also soon going to Pony Paradise. She was excited but also not... She didn't want to leave Ghost. She wanted me to take care of him.
"You know how I'm leaving soon..." She said looking down with are necks touching like a hug.
"Yeah" I answered
"I need you to take care of Ghost.."
"I'll take him with me!"
"He's way to little! I don't know when I'm leaving for Paradise.. They don't say they just take me, like your father.. But when I do leave.. Please make the right choice and take care of Ghost for me.."
I looked down at ghost as she spoke her soothing words. Ghost looked up at me and pranced around happily. I knew he didn't know what was going on. Hopefully he was happy with mom while she was there with him. She will soon leave, but I tried to get that off of my mind. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. I kept thinking about flashbacks off dad.
His loud neighs as they pushed him into the trailer, his hooves clopping on one spot trying to get back to us, to at least to give us a hug or nuzzle.
They drove off and we never saw him again.
"Please do take care of Ghost.."
She cut me off of my thoughts. She finally pulled away and went to Ghost.
"Cmon it's time for bed.." She said and nuzzled him as they walked to a shelter with a soft hay on the ground for Ghost.
"Okay momma!" He said as he spat out his tongue and galloped fast to the hay spot and laid down as mother approached him slowly. And laid down beside him. I followed behind them. And stopped and looked back at the other group of horses where cream is.
She looked and me shyly and smiled, like a sorry and hello. I know she didn't want to leave her family. She's always been a good girl. I stood alone between Creams group of horses and mom and Ghost. I could hear the horses talking in a group and I heard mom say
"Good night, my sweet ghosty.." She spoke to him in a soothing voice I wouldn't forget.
She laid her head down as Ghost drifted off into dreams.
I looked up at the stars.
I looked down to see her head up looking at me as she spoke.
"You too mom.."

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