6-What The Hale Is Going On?

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"Isaac? Isaac Lahey?"


"Tall, curly dirty-blond haired Isaac Lahey? Lacrosse team Isaac Lahey?"

"YES!" Scott yells, stopping for a quick breath. I shrink back at the tone of his voice.

"Sorry, I just...I can't believe it." I shake my head, trying to process the thought that sweet Isaac Lahey is now a werewolf. "I mean, maybe you got it wrong. Maybe he just smells like a dog." I offer.

Stiles gives me a look and a small shake of his head.

"Just keep your eye out for him." Scott demands, picking up his pace and rounding the corner of the school.

"Can't you smell him?" I sass, pushing myself to catch up with my brother. He ignores my comment, only walking faster.

"Dude, not everybody has your super speed." Stiles pants from beside me.

"I'm fast-walking." Scott deadpans, giving the two of us a confused look.

"Sure you're not tapping into your werewolf speed, buddy?" Stiles skirts around a bush and jogs up beside me.

"Just slow down a bit. I have the lung capacity of a smoker." I suck in a deep breath and glare at Scott.

To our left is the school, and to our right is the fields. I see the cross country team sprinting around the track, and in the football field is the team all geared up for practice.

"There!" I exclaim, pointing to the field. Isaac Lahey is standing with the rest of the football team, a helmet in one hand and a jersey in the other. The three of us quickly jog over to the field, coming to a stop beside the bleachers. "Isaac plays football too?"

"Coach encourages us to." Stiles says. "Apparently it keeps us in shape all year round."

I hold back at laugh. "So, uh, how come you guys don't play?"

"Homework." Stiles quickly says, and at his lie, I give him an amused look. He shuffles uncomfortably on his feet and sticks out his jaw, turning to look at Scott.

"I'm gonna play." Scott says absentmindedly.

"What?" Stiles says in disbelief. "Dude you promised..."

Scott doesn't appear to hear him. Instead, he jogs over to the team and stands next to the coach. Stiles and I watch for a few moments until Scott steps back and picks up a helmet and jersey from the player's bench. Stiles' and my jaw drops and we exchange a disbelieving look.

The coach blows the whistle and starts to yell orders. The team breaks up and disperses across the field into two teams. The coach turns, and my jaw drops again.

"Mr. Tanner is the football coach?" I say incredulously.

Stiles winces. "Uh, yeah."

I smirk. "Is that why you won't play?"

Stiles shifts uncomfortably on his feet. "Possibly."

I hold back another laugh and elbow Stiles in the side. I look up at him, meeting his eyes, and a smile takes over his face. My heart starts to beat faster, and I feel my nerves rising. I nervously swallow and keep my gaze on Stiles.

"Uh, Stiles. I wanted to talk to you about-"


The two of us jump at Mr. Tanner's maniacal scream. Looking out on the field, I see one of the team members on the ground, Scott standing next to him. Mr. Tanner hurries over there and exchanges a few words with Scott, who only nods in response. Mr. Tanner hustles back over to the bench and blows his whistle.

Heliophobia (Teen Wolf/Vampire Diaries) [2]Where stories live. Discover now