Chapter 2

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Aspen's POV
Ugh so tired I've been running around all day with my sister. she just dropped me off she had to go do something idk what but anyways I got over to the couch it's late. All of a sudden I hear someone knock on the hotel door.

Eddie's POV I'm so nervous dude I don't know how she will react she might cry omg duuudeee oh well I'll have to deal with it phew I go up to the door and knocked moment of truth everyone alright let's do this

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Eddie's POV
I'm so nervous dude I don't know how she will react she might cry omg duuudeee oh well I'll have to deal with it phew I go up to the door and knocked moment of truth everyone alright let's do this.

Eddie's POV I'm so nervous dude I don't know how she will react she might cry omg duuudeee oh well I'll have to deal with it phew I go up to the door and knocked moment of truth everyone alright let's do this

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Aspen's POV
Omg I screamed and jumped on him Eddie was here and I was so excited and I couldn't hold my excitement in if I did I think I would have exploded because MY BESTFRIEND IS HERE!!!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 05, 2016 ⏰

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Just Friends? (Discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora