Aspen and Eddie have known each other since middle school they have been through everything together the good times and the bad but what will happen when they start seeing each other differently and Aspen moves away and comes back after three years?
Aspen's POV Ugh so tired I've been running around all day with my sister. she just dropped me off she had to go do something idk what but anyways I got over to the couch it's late. All of a sudden I hear someone knock on the hotel door.
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Eddie's POV I'm so nervous dude I don't know how she will react she might cry omg duuudeee oh well I'll have to deal with it phew I go up to the door and knocked moment of truth everyone alright let's do this.
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Aspen's POV Omg I screamed and jumped on him Eddie was here and I was so excited and I couldn't hold my excitement in if I did I think I would have exploded because MY BESTFRIEND IS HERE!!!