[ 4 ] Happy Time Flavor Changing Yum Yum Spray

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Happy Time Flavor Changing Yum Yum Spray


Monday, 4:57PM

Logan Watson started a private group with Jasmine Kang and 2 others

Jasmine Kang Logan we just left your house, do we really still need to be talking about this?

Logan Watson Yes, Jas. We really do

Delia Delfano I thought we had everything covered. We all stand there and look pretty

Garrett Spenger Wait, when did we decide that we needed to look pretty? I did not hear about this!

Delia Delfano Calm down raw vegetables, we can get you all dolled up for he presentation

Garrett Spenger Oh really, really Delia. Why did you have to say raw vegetables!

Delia Delfano Sorry, I was kidding. You know when friends make jokes and such

Garrett Spenger Oh I get it

Jasmine Kang Are you mad at her? Cause if so then you two are going to have to work it out before the presentation. United front, duh

Delia Delfano Of course he's not mad. He's Garrett

Garett Spenger When did I become some sort of generality?

Logan Watson Don't go all Loganing on me again, but what does that mean?

Jasmine Kang Logan...

Delia Delfano It's called urban dictionary, look it up

Logan Watson But its so much easier for you to just tell me!

Delia Delfano #loganing

Logan Watson Stop! Do remember I hold the power to who's in the group or not

Delia Delfano No you don't, we've been friends since we were eight. I'm not going anywhere

Logan Watson I meant this Facebook group, doiy

Jasmine Kang I do have the power too, and I say Delia can stay

Logan Watson Umm, excuse me. When did I make you a leader to the group?

Jasmine Kang When we made the group... together

Logan Watson Oh, I forgot about that

Delia Delfano Wow...

Garrett Spenger You guys do remember we were there to!

Logan Watson Wait, was this happening when we were over at my house!

Jasmine Kang Yes! It was your idea Logan!

Logan Watson On that note, I will see you all at school tomorrow

# # #

Tuesday, 8:37AM

Jasmine Kang added Lindy Watson to Happy Time Flavor Changing Yum Yum Spray (Private Group)

Lindy Watson Oh my goodness! This is amazing!

Delia Delfano Wait, who let her in?

Logan Watson Jasmine did, god partner I thought we were on the same page

Jasmine Kang We are Logan. You weren't being a good brother or friend so I had to step in and make things right. Now Lindy is apart of the group

Garrett Spenger But we only have like seven hours until the presentation, wouldn't that kind of put something in between us?

Delia Delfano I'm going to have to agree with crazy

Garrett Spenger I'm not that crazy! And what about you with your... weirdness

Delia Delfano Yes, but I accept it

Logan Watson Guys! Can we get back to the real problem!

Jasmine Kang What problem? Everything's fine

Logan Watson I don't want to say it in a mean way, but... the girl with the same last name as me is the problem...

Lindy Watson Logan! Everyone knows that you're talking about me! And I'm sorry I didn't believe in you guys before, I totally see where I went wrong. But if this weird spray is what gets people vegacated, then I'm all for it

Delia Delfano Lindy, let the word die!!!

Lindy Watson But with my money I'm going to start a chain of vegacation centers!

Delia Delfano I was wrong

Lindy Watson Thanks Delia. I knew you'd see it my way

Delia Delfano The word already died, you're just the one that keeps STEPPING ON IT!


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