Crimson Stained Hearts
Third Person's P.O.V
Violent crimson flames danced across the Crimson colored sky. How could everything start so well but end so bad? She clenched her hands, blood slowly trickling down. Her eyes void of any emotions. If there were anyone in the distance of her home, she wished they could end it now. But there was no one. She watched the flame, as it reflected in her golden eyes.
5 hours earlier
"Kendra, you should stop running around or you'll get hurt!" Veronica, Kendra's mother laughed. "I'll be f-!" Kendra started only to be cut off as she fell face first. There was a pause in the air, before laughter rang in the air. "I'm all right!" Kendra examined as she bounced right up. "Kendra, you should've listened to your mother!" James, her father, chuckled. Kendra pouted as she glared, or tried to, at them. Only resulting to more laughter. She turned away, a small pout still visible, as she glanced at her sister. "Ne, Victoria what's wrong?" She asked as she walked towards her older sister, her pout now gone and worried filled her eyes as she tugged her shirt.
Victoria, who was staring at nothing, turned her attention towards her worried sister as she shook her head. "Its nothing Kendra." She smiled reassuringly as she patted her head. She walked away, her hand lingering for a slight moment before it was gone and her shirt was released. Kendra stared at her sister, a terrible feeling settling down in the bottom of her gut. She quickly brushed it off, not knowing that the unknown feeling was a warning.
"Kendra what's wrong?" Veronica asked worriedly as she stared at her daughter, who was watching her sister disappear inside the house. "No, it's nothing Mama!" Kendra grinned, the terrible feeling pushed away as she started running around once more. "Kendra, what did your mo-." Her father started only to watch as she face planted. Again.
They sighed as they shook their heads and stood. "Kendra were going to go inside and cook dinner! You can play for a few minutes, but when we call, you go in immediately and wash up. Alright?" Her mother stated as her father stared, waiting for her response. "Yes Mama. Yes Papa." Kendra saluted childishly as her parents rolled their eyes before walking inside the house. Kendra stared at the door for a few minutes before she once more started to run about.
"Kendra! Mama and Papa says to come in and clean up! Dinner is almost ready, and you have to clean yourself up!" Victoria waved towards her sister as she turned. "What are you staring at?" She asked curiously, following her younger sister's gaze. As she followed, she noticed her eyes looked dull and distant as she stared at the sky. "Kendra!" She called once more only to get no response. Worried, she walked towards her sister as she slightly shook her. "Huh? Victoria? What is it?" Kendra blinked as she turned towards her sister. Her eyes returned to becoming lively and the distance no longer there. "What were you staring at?" Victoria asked, curious. "The sky. It'll be cold tonight. What did you call me for?" Kendra asked as she turned her body to face her.
"Ah. Thats right, Mama and Papa said to go in and clean yourself up. Dinner's almost ready." Victoria said as she watched Kendra nod and smile as she ran towards the door. She watched as she vanished before looking up at the sky. It was bright and sunny, barely any clouds. What did she mean it was going to be cold? Victoria stood there confused for a few moments before she shook her head and walked towards the door, closing it. She stared at her family in front of her, watching as Kendra balanced a pea on her nose before catching it in her mouth as she threw it up. They all laughed and clapped as Kendra did a small bow. Victoria watched as time slowed down and they turned towards her. Something was missing.

Crimson Stained Hearts
FanfictionTwo girls, both bloodied in crimson, set off to find a new life and Journey. Stumbling upon each other at age 10, they journey to the land if Fiore. Soon Stumbling upon Fairy Tail. Watch as there journey begins once more.