1. Red-eyed Angel

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Hi ! Welcome to my Story! This is my first story in a long time since I was about 13. My username is Armanxxy! (Arm-a-nxxy) <3 I'm so excited to be writing this story and I hope all of you readers enjoy it! Please feel free to comment questions, ideas, and opinions on chapters. I would love the feedback so that I can meet your needs and improve the story. I will try my absolute best to update every week, most updates will come on the weekends! With that being said I'll hush so you can start your reading binge ;D !! xoxo 


I stepped out of my red 65' Ford. I know.. 65'.. but he's a classic. It was in dad's pocket range and I fell in love with him. Meet James.

Trees, people--people laughing, couples, family loading crews, red and white streamers strung from light poles.

It smelled of school spirit and transitioning teens into adults. I was one of them. I've had my eyes set on here since sophomore year -- The University of Colorado Bucks.

I'm nowhere near from Colorado by the way. I was born and raised in the crop-filled hills of Tennessee. I grew up in a small city in Tennessee where your business was an open book.

 Tail County wasn't exactly a tourist area. It was filled with farmers and low-income families who'd made a name for themselves from ancestors back in the 40's.

I took a deep breath of the crisp air and picked up a large gray moving bin. It was fall. The transition actually, it was still warm, but the breeze never failed to remind you to grab a jacket.

"Are you ready honey ?" asked my mom, Lanie, breaking my thoughts.

"Of course I am," I lied, walking towards my boarding house.

My dad opened the door with the key the quite judgy lady at the main office gave to me.

She looked me up and down when I gave her my registration forms for proof I was a resident. I can't exactly blame her.. Colorado Bucks was a high-class university. It was the largest university in Colorado, the nicest.. also the eighth highest academic college in the country. What am I doing here?

"These rooms sure ain't look like this back in my day, how y'all get better, updated dorms then we did," my dad complained.

I scanned the living room which was the first room entered upon walking in. It was spacious with a couch on the right back wall, the walls were tan and there was a nice open patio decked straight ahead.  

"I'd suggest you get mostly everything you can't put up by yourself done before we leave Zaviana," my mother hinted sternly. I nodded my head motioning my hand at the box of unpuzzled bedding pieces.

"That's all you dad."


I fell onto the couch exhausted. I pulled the laptop into my lap and watched 'Freaks and Geek's', a classic, starring my husband; James Franco. Young James Franco at that.

You know, when your're too lazy to get up and find food? So you just continue lying where you are-- starving-- and your stomach is singing a continuous symphony of growls to remind you it's hungry? That was happening.

I walked to the kitchen looking inside my empty fridge. I raked my mind for types of foods I wanted to order. Pizza made the top of the budget list.

I dialed for a large supreme pizza, wings, brownie cake, and a soda.

I walked down over to my couch and glued my eyes back to the tv.

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