5. Mama'z Taco'z

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Ashton was so... . So... something like a guy you would make up in your head. All the pro's and cons following in a muddy trail behind him. He looks like a heartbreaker who would break the moment the wrong girl broke his heart. He was implanted in my head. His roots were deep and I didn't know how to pull them out.

His lazy smile from the morning and his body standing abroad over my stove replayed in my head as my own personal gif. Look at you. Gushing over some bad-boy, model type looking hunk-of-a hidden treasure quest.

I sighed walking out of my last class, Forensic Literature. I went to go check out the school cafeteria. I'd been avoiding the typical cafeteria scene since I'd gotten here.

The cafeteria was of course huge. Nice and modern. I stood in line for some beef tacos that smelled waveringly-delicious. I politely ordered four beef tacos topped with lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, onions, cheese, rice, corn, jalapenos, salsa and sour cream. I  was creating the savory taste in my mouth before I'd even taken a bit yet.

"That can't be all for you," a boy with dark natural red hair and bright gray eyes asked me in disbelief.

"Definitely all for me," I responded to him with a devilish grin.

"You are not going finish that," he said looking at me with astern.

"I'm small but I know how to handle food," I told him with confidence.

"Dude, Ash, look what this chick ordered, she really thinks she's gonna finish three tacos from Mama'z Taco'z," the red-headed boy turned to his friend, patting his chest. It made a small thud.

I peeked my head around him to find Ashton on the other side of the burnt orange roses. He looked different, more dressy than the other night. The previous night he wore yet another white, loose-tight fitting shirt with black jeans and some sleek brand of tennis shoes. 

Today he wore a navy button down with khakis and wafers. It wasn't what I expected him to wear. He looked like a smart ass prick, but he looked good. I had to hand it to him. My eyes kind of lit up, seeing someone that I knew, somewhat. He did sleep on my couch. In only a sheet and he's been the only visitor since my parents.

"Ashton, you should tell him I'll eat all of this," I asked Ashton, the boy I'd spent most of my first two days of college with.

He looked at me with a blank expression.

"Who are you?  Just because you fucking girls hear my name from gossip and the sports news doesn't mean you can just go around addressing me like you know me," he dryly laughed throwing cocking his head back. "No, you won't eat all of that, at least I hope you don't or you'll be shitting bricks for a week," He replied, saying the last part kind of loudly. A few people in ears range snickered, some flat out laughed.

I nodded my head slowly trying to comprehend what the hell just happened. I took my order and walked out of the cafeteria to my car. I drove back to my dorm-- attempting to stay in the campus speed limit-- putting my tacos on the counter, losing my appetite.

Why? Was all I could think of. From breakfast to bitchfest. 

I scratched my nose underneath my glasses trying to make sense of my homework. I'd been doing six hours of research and watched about eight videos trying to prep for a pop quiz we had tomorrow on section 1-8. It was only day three and I was exhausted from school work. I don't know how people do this or if I can. Knock. Knock. Knoc. Knock. Knock. I moved my books and pens to the side, setting them on the sofa spit next to me as I arose to get the door.

"Yes?" I asked opening the door, only to be faced with a flushed Ashton holding my sheet, that looked freshly washed and folded.

I nodded my head looking only at the sheets in his hands not making eye contact. I also made notice of his hands. Strong looking with a few veins running into his fingers, large, but still held care. I grabbed the sheets from his hands and went to shut my door. Of course he blocked it.

I shook my head still looking at the sheets in my hands. "Leave me alone. I appreciate you bringing back my sheets. Your service here is done. Bye," I remarked attempting to once again shut the door on him.

I heard a grunt and the door went swinging open, Ashton took one stride inside and slammed the door behind him. I rolled my eyes and picked up phone to dial campus security. He snatched my phone from my hands and threw somewhere on the couch. He grabbed my wrist and pushed me against the wall between my hallway and kitchen.

"Let go of me and get out." I struggled to pull my wrist out his grasp.

"Look at me and listen," he demanded.

I scoffed at him and began to fight out his grasp. I lunged a punch towards his throat. He spun me around and pushed me onto the floor hovering over me.

"I'm not going to fight you Zaviana. So stop and just listen to me before you really piss me off," He strained through his gritted teeth.

"You're getting reported."

"Not if I kill you first," he replied.

"Can you stop . It's not a joke. Your're a fucking joke. What you did in the cafeteria was beyond rude . Don't even say my name since apparently you don't know who I am!" I boomed at him. Second times a charm. Ashton: 2 ; Zaviana:1.

He took in a deep breath. "Look. Forget the past two nights. Forget this morning. And forget you even know my name. Don't talk to me. Especially not on campus in public. My people and your people are two very different types of people. Here, they don't get seen along. Talk to me in public and I'll fuck up your entire GPA and college experience Zaviana," he looked at me in the eyes with his jaw clenched.

He got off me and walked over to my door. "And don't even try to report me, they won't respond," he said not looking back, slamming my door. 


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