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He sits 
on his makeshift throne 
And looks at the organized chaos laid before him
and he smiles.
Proud even boastful of what he has done. 
The world he secretly rules has gone into a blind sea of rage 
And he 
The man who has decided to play god when no one asked him to 
Is the one in control. 
Moves slowly and strategically 
Articles in the media 
Like chew toys 
For opposing sides to fight over
Whatever side you're on
In the end has no affect
Because all are blinded be 
The hate 
He so quietly nourishes
Yet none of us see it because we're all to busy yelling at each other instead of standing together 
And thats why 
He stays hidden
I see you 
I see the monster in the man who covers his tracks with money 
Because money, is just an adornment compared to his power
But not everyone sees him
Doesn't see the lives he's taken from the manufacturing of his throne 
He whispers in the ears of our congressmen to stop the progress of change 
Rigs our elections 
For someone he can control 
Someone he can pay off
Manipulates the government so they'll ignore is unorthodox ways 
The invisible man 
Is no joke.
He is not just some chant yelled by poor minorities dying in their dept 
He is real
And he 
like the men he chooses for his council
Look absolutely ordinary 
Wear tailored suits 
Drive to work in their cars 
And stops to give change 
To the poor, 
Offering a smile as the homeless thank him 
And walks away 
To enter the company he owns 
And the only thing that may possibly distinguish them from the ordinary 
Is the smile he gives
One that is so perfect 
So simple
And it sends chills down the awakened spine's 
Because unlike the majority 
Few can see the lie in his smile 
The execution orders his lips have passed
See through the facade 
Because they know
That exact smile
Belongs to the very person who
Created impossible prisons to escape from
Weather it was constructed from their neighborhoods belief that there is no life out side the gang/game
Or actual prison
He is
The one who keeps the poor, poor.
And the rich, wealthier
And gives the ones who've made the wrong mistakes, like selling or doing drugs
Longer sentences then the man whose been aquitted for rape
But what can the poor
do to a false god? 
but say thanks and god bless.  
Shockingly its not the their fault. 
Its ours 
We have over priced the value of possessions 
And decided that having the fancier things was more important then the value of lives, 
Of change
Freedom from dept that feeds his overgrowing power
We praise idols that've beaten and sexually assaulted our woman
Then place the blame on them
Because there is no worse crime then being too pretty
We've funded big corporations that make 12 year olds work in underground sweatshops
And as much as these millenniums think they're "woke" 
We're not 
We're barley scratching the surface of his well thought out plans that he benefits from.
But with time
And with some acts revealed
Some now
Talked about it,
Protested against them
To the man who sits on his throne
And the men who sit beside him 
Whomever you are 
Know this;
Knowledge is true power, 
And i have just informed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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