Chapter Thirteen

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Dinner progressed in silence; a fact that Matthew was thankful for. He knew his family did not approve of Sharon, and to make things even more complicated than they already were, Gretchen's presence on his farm could ruin everything. How was he supposed to keep up the pretence of being in love with the woman he was married to, when the woman he was truly in love with was seated beside him?

A small frown claimed his face as he focused his attention on his plate —why was Gretchen here? She had made it clear enough a year ago that she didn't want to marry him because he wasn't 'wealthy' enough. What did she want? The last thing he wanted to deal with was his highly manipulative family, as well his ex girlfriend.

"So tell me Matt, how did you two meet?" Gretchen's question dragged Matthew back to the present.

He raised his eyes up, uncertain of how to respond. He couldn't tell them that he had met Sharon through his drunken farmhand and that she had only married him because she didn't have a choice. He couldn't tell them that he and Sharon were not in love and that Sharon wanted nothing to do with him. So, he shrugged.

"I do not believe this is the time, Gretchen," Matthew answered dryly.

"But I'm sure it's a romantic story, isn't it?"

"It's none of your business," Sharon's response caused Matthew to turn sharply to her, as well as caused Gretchen to gasp loudly. When Sharon raised her gaze, Matthew immediately knew she hadn't meant to say that aloud.

Gretchen pouted. "It was just an innocent question, Sharon, I didn't mean to pry," she said, but Matthew knew very well that she indeed intended to pry. It was who Gretchen was and what she did; pry. And what was worse was that he knew if she dug deep enough, she would find out very quickly about the falsehood of his marriage.

Sharon's gaze dropped back to her plate after that, and nothing else was said.

Matthew heaved a sigh of relief when dinner ended with no further incidence and the people at the table dispersed; first Grace, then Gretchen and his mother, then Sharon, and soon enough, he was seated all alone at the dinner table. He buried his fingers in his hair and let out a nervous breath; what now? He knew he needed to endure his family's presence for a few more days, and  await the arrival of his father, after which he would hopefully be handed his inheritance. Then, he could get rid of all the problems in his life; first his family and Gretchen, then his debt, and finally, Sharon. If she was willing, he would take her to the courthouse, divorce her, and give her some money; enough to live independently of her father. It was unfortunate that their marriage was obviously not going anywhere, but there was nothing else he could do.

Rising to his feet, he made his way out of the building and to the barn. He checked the horses' water trough and refilled it, and after ensuring their stalls were locked, he made his way back into the silent building through the back door. Silently, he climbed the stairs and made his way to the room he had to share with Sharon until his family's departure. He didn't like the idea, but he didn't have a choice either.

Reaching for the doorknob, he twisted it but the door remained stubbornly shut. He frowned. Perhaps Sharon forgot their discussion earlier? He would have believed so if he didn't already know Sharon; she locked him out on purpose. Of course she had agreed to his plans to keep up the pretence of being in love, only so that she could humiliate him before his family.

Clenching his fists, he turned stiffly from the door and began making his way back down the stairs, furious; where was he supposed to sleep now? If he slept in a guest bedroom, someone could walk in on him and knowing how inquisitive Gretchen was, that 'someone' would most likely be her. If he slept in the living room, he ran the same risk. Why couldn't Sharon just be reasonable for once in her miserable life?! The more he thought of it, the more infuriated he became until he was storming out of the building and back to the stable.

Knowing full well that he didn't have a choice, Matthew settled on a pile of hay and closed his eyes.


Sharon woke up with a start that evening, suddenly remembering Matthew's request to sleep in her room.

Gasping, she hurried over to the door and reached for the knob with shaky fingers. True enough, the door stood stubbornly shut. She had been so physically and emotionally exhausted that evening, she had been relieved when dinner ended and had hurried over to her room. She certainly hadn't been thinking when she locked the door —she had done it out of habit— and had no idea when her tired body gave into its exhaustion and fell asleep.

Where was Matthew? She unlocked the door and pulled it open, stepping out into the silent hallway; nothing.

Groaning in frustration, Sharon could only imagine how annoyed Matthew would be, knowing she had locked him out. Would he think she did it on purpose? Certainly! She knew their poor relationship would act as solid proof that she had intentionally locked him out of the room.

She went down the stairs and looked in the kitchen, before turning to the living room and still finding no sign of him. Perhaps he had decided to spend his evening in a guest room? It would make sense that he would choose to do that.

Deciding to offer him an explanation the next morning, she made her way back up the stairs. She reached her room and settled on the bed, her gaze fixed on the door all evening, hoping that Matthew would make his way in through it.

He didn't.

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